Three vehicles that leave you baffled as to why they're not in Warthunder

B.P. Defiant and Fairey Battle.
And PZL P11.



the pinnacle of the century series and it isnt ingame


Imo it’s absolutely disgusting we didn’t get the hummel alongside of M44s and the fact that germany received the M44 is even worse.

Gaijin is going too far with all of the copypaste slop


I am baffled how the Legacy Hornets are not in the game yet. Same for MiG-25 family.


Obj 195

In my opinion this vehicle would times better than the Obj 148 in protection, size and firepower. One thing that makes this very interesting and a hard target is the absence of crew on the turret, a 30 mm autocannon and a ground radar, would be a greater addition as a end-of-the-line event vehicle, enhancing the 12.0 options to MBTs.

I have no doubt that this would give a serious competition to the last Meta top tier has at the moment, and this as a event vehicle would give another chance to players that didn’t had the opportunity to obtain the Obj 292.

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Obj 299

Another vehicle part of a universal modular chassis that could, but I highly doubt, make to the game at the moment, it works just as the TCM AGS but with more armor capable of easily holding larger caliber APDS FS ammunitions, despite the size the crew is reduced to only two with a completely unmanned turret with a auto loaded 152.4 mm cannon.

This obviously doesn’t have place in-game since there’s no real competition, would fit perfect as a event vehicle with higher value due to the capabilities. I support this addition due to the design, unique on Soviet vehicles.

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AMX-56 Leclerc T4 ‘Terminateur’

This is a nice counterpart to the Obj 292 currently and I have no doubt that this could make to the game without much problems regarding balancing issues, despite currently existing 4 other variants from the Leclerc this in specific house a 140 mm auto loaded cannon, would be a very good addition to the French tech tree arsenal, combining mobility and firepower in the same vehicle with good gun handling.

The possible addition of this vehicle would promote players to join minor tech tree with each offering new ways to play the game. But since Gaijin added the Leopards, my hopes are zero for any new original design but more copy and paste garbage.

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All for israel

I dont think i need to explain why israel needs spaas

For the lavi its the most unique fully israeli fighter
Can be hella fun to play and its 12.3 material so i rly dont know why it still isnt in the game


This will in no way anger the French mains

Centauro II and A-6E SWIP both have been leaked a handful of times in the past and yet have still not arrived yet. The A-6 is also annoying at this point considering how they said they’d release a tech tree A-6 eventually(Granted they said the same thing about the BMD-4 and yet when they finally added a new BMD-4 years later they made it a premium…).

Ik Hornet has already been mentioned, but I also find it shocking the F-2 hasn’t been added for Japan yet. The early versions of the F-2A/B lacked the equipment needed to use fox 3s, could’ve easily put that in the game instead of the ahistorical F-16AJ, especially since AESA won’t be modelled for some time. Gaijin just enjoys their copy & paste slop instead.

For France as well a nice handful of their light tanks such as the ERC-90(Which really should’ve come instead of the MARS 15) and other prototype light tanks like a stabilized AMX-10RC or even the EBRC Jaguar at this point.

A big one for me is for Japan though with the lack of the G3M, one of the most widely used bombers by the IJN during the war, that and other G4M variants. Same story can be said about the IJN 1.0 equivalent to the IJA Ki-10, the A4N.


really want to see the M7 priest artillery carrier

they should really have tried putting the m44 a little higher up and try to put actual ww2 artillery carriers in the primarily ww2 tiers
instead we get a artillery that is from the 50s that doesn’t really feel like a ww2 vehicle in most tech trees with a different shade of green, with stripes or just a roundel


Or just remove M44 from all nations besides USA and Japan. Afaik all other nations had some domestic replacements.

M44 wouldn’t be nearly as annoying if it wasn’t added to every single nation they could think off…

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Is that a concern?

jeep, ov-1, TT AD-6 (A1H) with cm

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Literally any ww1 ground and air vehicle

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B-36 Peacemaker

B-47 Stratojet

P6M Seamaster

Any of the various bombers that came about during the golden age of aviation. If Russia/USSR is going to get every AA system they had because they themselves couldn’t compete in the long range bomber race, then I want to see what they were trying to defend against.


Will? At least is not some Leopard 2, tell me, is the Leopard 2A4 in the French tech tree any useful? And what about the Leopard 2A5 and Leopard 2A6? Leclerc S1, S2, AZUR and SXXI is way more reliable, T4 is essentially the same, with the same characteristics of the S1 with the same auto loading mechanism but with a higher caliber cannon, I’d prefer a single unique vehicle over three copy and pasted useless additions.

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P6M Seamaster

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I meant the name. It’s not an AMX-56. They get triggered over that.

Didn’t knew about this information.

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  1. Submarines
  2. Higher tier long range bombers
  3. Better wheeled light tanks for Russia
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