Thor's Hammer Challenge not counting kills

I Just tried Air AB and RB with P47D-25 and P47D-28. None of my 1000lb bombs are counting. I’ve also tried the British Typhoon MK 1b with 1000lb bombs in Ground RB and that doesn’t count either.

Because you need KG, not LB different counting LB=pounds KG = kilograms

I was using SC1000 which is 1000kg bomb using bf 110 G-2 plane (III. rank) on higher br than the planes br and my kills were counted.

When I was on the planes br the kills were not counted, so I assume that when you get skill matters by destroying an vehicle by 1.0 br higher, the kill will be counted. I was also trying to find answers online and one guy said that the 1000kg bombs count as medium bombs (130kg - 1000kg) and also as big bombs(at least 1000kg) so it randomly counts, sometimes as medium and sometimes as big. So I could be lucky with the higher br battles bc i only did one battle and my challenge was completed. Another guy said that by killing 2 and more tanks with one 1000kg bomb it will count as a big bomb, but unfortunately this is not true as I managed to kill 4 tanks with one 1000kg bomb and not a single kill was counted.

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I guess not cuz, I used my the GBU-8 on F-4E and works…

Yeah I did two kills with that same plane and bomb and they didn’t count too ?

For those having trouble, i figured out what might be happening. it seems it is nation locked (no idea why). Germany is specifically buggy with the mission, as i have tried it with my own lineup. However, i just used the American AD2 thats 5.7, and have finished all 3 steps for Thors Hammer. the plane has a 2k, 3 1ks, and 2 250s, so you can finish the mission on the same plane. hope this helps

I should also Add, i was in 6.0 American realistic tank battles using it

This isn’t true at all. Rank of target doesn’t matter for any challenge, never has. Whatever you think you experienced, that wasn’t it.


Seems rank of target matters in this case, at least for Thor’s Hammer, I can confirm the following:

  • Rank 3 targets required to count the kill
  • Some Rank 3 kills did not count (Bots?)
  • A double kill involving 1 Rank 2 and 1 Rank 3 did not count any
  • Had to uptier to make sure I finish the challenge

We know all the data parameters on the challenges from data mining, and there are no parameters there for target rank that could apply. There’s simply no variable there to be set. The challenge could still be bugged somehow (I had one suspicious game too), but that’s not what it is. And there are no ground bots.

I would suggest people who think they have sus games for this challenge should start sharing server replay links so other people can see what the issue is and put the collective brain to work.

Based on previous problems we’ve seen like this, my guess it’s probably something to do with the order damage effects accrue. Like if you catch fire and then die in the same second, it’s counting your vehicle as death by fire and you don’t get the credit. Or it kills all the crew before it kills the vehicle, so you die by crew removal and it doesn’t count. It’ll be something like that. In which case the workaround will just be doing it more often than you think you need to.


You are wrong. Target rank doesn’t matter.


I wonder if some people are killing AI units in naval? Has to be a player killed…

Got a replay?

And no, bots do not count - has to be players

Here is the kill also not counted for the Thor’s Hammer Challenge.

Got now clue why its not counting.

Too blurry to read the messages, so not useful at all - which is why I asked for a replay, not a short video.

They’re pretty clear to be real, both show both targets were bombed. (Fullscreen it and it becomes clear as)

It is better for the replays to be there, but thing is something isn’t working with some people, for some reason.

A real question would also be if anyone tried relogging to see if the profile refresh would update it, or whether they bailed from the match early and returned to hangar, but I also don’t see that being a thing.

Both bombs were the SC1000, which I did use for the higher end, even with that FW as well, and I felt like 1 kill wasn’t counted for some reason, and it was in a match where I got 2.

How can I upload the full video to youtube?

Best to give the replay link from the server replays.

What would be of actual benefit is screenshots of the task itself before and after, along with the battle summary, and even the battle log.

Whilst this is a hindsight situation with the beforehand screenshots, it’s something to think about next time you have to report something.

That ‘Copy Link’ portion is what you want to click on, then paste it to the thread here.

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Not for me - full screen made them worse.