This is a joke, right?

This is a joke, 1682 vehicle research points, that’s why many players will abandon this game sooner or later


Magach 1 is Rank IV.
Effective research is Rank V.
Magach 6M is Rank VI.

The joke is 4k RP, not 1.6k RP.


7 targets destroyed and 3 assists can’t even get 2k? They destroyed my 8.7 lineup so I’m still training the others with 7.7



The reason why that happened is because you are researching a vehicle outside of +/- 1 rank of the vehicle you are using. You need tonise a rank 5 tank in order to effciently research a rank 6 tank.

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Ground vehicle grind is dog poop, and even worse with penalty. If you’re playing with Magach 1 you barely will get any RP for Magach 6M, use the Magach 6R as mention on the previous vehicle RP bonus.

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I got it, thanks