Go play WoT bro…
No, I don’t think I will.
Then stop crying about ‘CAStards’ lol… what a clown
I don’t think I will.
All nations should have SPAA this effective as a reserve vehicle
Yeah ozelot is over-BR’d, this is well known.
After the SACLOS changes, most of the high end spaa need to be dropped in br
There was a moment where the Lvrbv 701 was going to 9.3 from 10.0. Which would have stomped so many aircraft. Now its stuck in 9.7 limbo with no real lineup other than bringing 9.3 lineup to 9.7.
Some spaa capability increase at top tier and some lowering of BRs could be interesting. Or just fix the other heatseeker missiles around 9.3. Looking at you Mistral.
Lets just say that locking helicopters is consistent in a way it shouldn’t be in this game.
In my opinion, spaa should be a counter to aircraft, rather than equal. The same way that aircraft dominant ground targets in uncontested airspace or most ground vehicles dominant spaa. That way there is at least some sort of counter to everything.
Makes perfect sense considering that CAS advocates love to purport that this is a rock, paper scissors type game and CAS is supposed to counter ground. So logically SPAA should counter air, and ground should counter SPAA.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is.
Just spawn tank bro.
Type 81 is a clear 11.0 material.
This is the level of SPAA effectiveness we should expect from all SPAAs. It’s able to effectively counter the aircraft it sees when both players are equally skilled, as a counter should. Far too many SPAAs are effectively just food for skilled CAS players, especially at higher tiers. We should be pushing those SPAA lower, not this one higher.
I was just trying to say that thing shouldn’t be at the same (or close by) BR as other vehicles that are already around 10.0, but that’s also one way to look at it.
I do agree that SPAAs can be lacking, especially at some tiers where they’ll get shit on by ridiculously OP helis they can’t even engage properly.
This goes to 11.0 sure kinda broken killed 6 jets in 1 match without getting killed. Also lacks a lineup at 10.0 lacks a radar though so reliant on Mk.1 eyeball
But the strela at this point could also be moved up since it also got the new tracking feature
You really think it takes skills to play Typ 81C? Have you read the stats on that thing’s missile bro?
Those don’t even work against planes
It’s honestly not that hard to spot aircraft with the naked eye because of how visible contrails are.
10.3 or 10.7 would be better. Also Strela might need a BR increase as well. Recently it got buffed which made it extremely powerful at it’s BR.