This game is bad, here's why

Economy is several orders of magnitude better than it ever was ever since the 2023 roadmap changes were implemented.

Before, some tanks would cost up to 35,000 SL to repair; some planes, up to 75,000 SL… and some ships, up to 90,000 SL.

Before, the dynamic and gradual repair cost per minute of life did not exist either. Now, if you die fast, you barely pay for anything. Before, you always paid for the full repair cost even if you were CAS spawncamped 11 seconds into your spawn. Rewards were lower in every way across the board as well. There were no skill bonuses, no new nation bonuses, etc.

The modification cost of end-of-the-line vehicles was more than twice as high as the preceeding vehicles, Top Tier MBTs only had HEATFS, there were no stock FPEs…

To top iall of this off, now Premium accounts literally can’t ever lose SL, no matter how badly they ever do on any match, and it only costs 40€ A YEAR to be on Premium Account permanently (The 180 day pack costs 20€ during the numerous 50% sales).

I believe that players who play for hundreds of hours every year on a game should have no issue supporting their game and its developers a tiny little bit. This is a free to play game. The employees, servers, outsourced material and research costs money and they have to get it from somewhere.

Don’t get me wrong; before, there were very serious predatory monetisation problems, and I was extremely vocal and critical about it- but these problems have been largely solved over the last 2 years.

There is still room for improvement in some fields, such as Naval and Helicopter grinds, but believe me- the current economy is a HEAVEN compared to how it was pre-2023.


I’ll give you a couple examples :)

World of Tanks
World of Tanks Blitz

Ammo that you can buy for Gold that gives you an unfair advantage
Consumables that you can buy with real money that give you unfair advantages
Blatantly overpowered premium tanks that tech tree counterparts simply cannot compete with
Reload and consumable cooldown boosters that you can buy with gold to make your tank perform better

Negative silver every game at any tier over tier 7 that you don’t do exceptionally well in, even with premium for tech tree


…did you even read the absurd tangent insults in OP’s post?

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I only saw few replies what he said in his original post and by those replies you proved his point the rest i don’t care for back and forth mumbo jumbo

Some of the first replies to his original post were obnoxius of how bad he is and how good some of the repliers are which validates some of his points in the original post

sorry my guy but with how this forum annd players are toxic i 100% agree specially that i was also like that few years back

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“Git gud” is unironically good advice, and if it sounds too abrasive for certain players, they should also “Git thicker skin”.
Yeah there are bad aspects to this game, but OP is complaining about extremely trivial issues and overblowing problems that can be solved with improvements to playstyle.


Robbed this meme

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I would have taken the time to respond point by point because there are some interesting things. but to say that the community is toxic without discernment (while being part of and coming to the community forums) is insulting everyone and making no discernment. something we abstain from after 15 years Normally and which makes me say that it’s just trolling during your school holidays


Its the.28th of december this person be a troll.

  • Not all of it, some things are correct like tailoring the game for kids with access to credit cards whilst creating illusions of being f2p and playing top tier jets.

  • Same as in his BR range USSR planes are actually way stronger than a few years ago as real shatter has massively buffed the notorious weak 20 mm ShVaks.

  • Arguing that the offered product does not look like the description is also correct - but it is similar to comparing the advertisement picture of the Big Mac with the thing you finally get.

  • The current economy and reward structure in Air RB is imho way better than 2 years ago but way worse than 5 years ago. Yes you needed in some aircraft 2 kills in case of a win and 3 in case of a defeat back then - but currently any player reporting about getting a negative income at prop BRs is just proving that he progressed too fast or did not understand how the game works and made the wrong choices of BR, game mode or aircraft.

  • But most of the his overall conclusions regarding US aircraft are wrong - and there is no bias towards German aircraft at prop BRs - in all BRs you have counterparts which are better in at least 2, often 3-4 relevant factors: Speed, climb, turn and firepower - to be fair speed and climb advantages depend strongly on altitude.

  • I mean arguing that the mixed nation MM would cause low US WRs is flat wrong, without adding JP, GB or Sweden to US teams the US WRs would be way worse. Whilst flying JP, IT or SWE it looks like that the 30-40% defeat rate i receive there is caused by getting allocated to US dominated teams…

    According to:


    The WR of US teams in his BR range (he flies the 3.0 P-38 E) is in all possible up or downtiers >60%.

The problem is that most forum users have attention spans like this fish:

Finding Dory: Review - The EDIT

So the sensory overload with the wall of text within the OP combined with some very wild accusations is causing some of the rather negative feedback.

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This thread has not been productive and will not be continued going forward.