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Bro, you gonna get cancel by the admin because of the EULA 😅😅😅
**Solution ** gajin should just stop pretending and just make the game a subscription based game. The player base loves giving them money, so it wouldn’t be a real problem.
However, I still stand by my statement, the sooner gajin goes defunct, the better.
You only played for 4 months?
If someone that played the game for 4 years would have told me the game is bad, i would understand him and say yeah, it definitely has gotten worse.
But you with your 4 months, have you even reached past tier 2 of the game?
Youve never played WOT on a free account then, it is almost impossible to play above rank 7 in that game without losing silver
Im not gonna read all of that
As above TLDR
I actually read your essay completely - and my first impression got confirmed 3 minutes later.
In order to get a feeling who is talking, and maybe give some advice i watched a random replay of yours:
I mean nobody takes you seriously if you dive with your air spawn P-38E down to your own team taking off and kill a random team mate with a full burst of stealth ammo - team kill log 01:04 minutes.
Just pathetic.
Is there point to this post?
Go play something else.
Umm aren’t you a little old at 55+ to be posting old cringe?
ITS bais until u play those nations
Not my proudest moment, but considering that dude blasted me for ‘kill stealing’ about two weeks back, well, toxicity breeds toxicity.
Bet we went digging around your play throughs I’m sure we find something similar. But go off.
I looked it up, Germany and Russia has a 70% win rate compared to the us which sits at 20%
Don’t be a single nation main. Simple.
By the way, you are exactly the kind of 'vet ’ player I previously described. Talking down to other players for not ‘knowing the map.’ So yeah cringe harder.
lol US have the BEST jets in the game
You’re still here? Thought you would have left to play with your Speak and Spell.
Thanks for looking up my older posts. Glad they have not been lost in the archives.
You kinda prove my point, certain nation obviously win over others more due lack of balance . So go play those bation and continue to encourage the in-balance eh?
All that from air realistic? I have not played it much and don’t really look forward to it. Seems like the equivalent of hell.