This game has too many issues to enjoy it anymore

Exactly as I posted earlier, which then got flagged. You can’t help yourself. You just have to keep antagonising people trying to get a reaction, and then get all bent out of shape when you get one. If you’re going to quote things, don’t be an ass and quote PART of it. What I said was “I’ve also stated that I might be willing to give RB another try. I’ll see. I think I’d rather take some time away from the game right now though.” So do us all a favour now and just STFU for once in your miserable life.

No wonder you have people following you everywhere throughout the forum and abusing you. You ASK for it.

I don’t need to quote you in the entirity unless you think it’s misconstrued your meaning, which it hasn’t…

How’s about you take your own advice…

(Edit - False Flaggers should take the same advice)

That I’ll happily flag… Get banned.

Don’t be gatekeeping like we can’t comment on ‘your’ thread, on a public access forum…

(Edit - I stand by my words… If people such as the false flaggers can’t get over it, andneed to flag a closed thread to make a problem, then we shouldn’t even be keeping them on…)

You will to be honest because you won’t be able to throw tirades like this anymore…

(Edit - I hope the guy is removed to be honest…)

Admitting that you’ll evade actions is actually quite a problem…

It’s time we cut the chaff and threw the crap to the wind.

(Edit - We should just start with removing the false flaggers to be real…)

Map design is top notch. Otherwise Gaijin wouldn’t do such a silly thing like removing cover from spawn areas… :)


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I have been distancing myself from War Thunder for a while now, Hence I haven’t seen this map for 2-3 weeks now. But I am not even gonna act like I am surprised by this. LMFAO!

The weekly Blitzkrieg/SirSwearsalot rant threads might actually be fun if he had any self-control, but he doesn’t. He can reliably be counted on to take his own thread off the rails within three posts with crazed amateurish namecalling for all and sundry, the moment anyone says anything that offends his ears. This is why he got chat-banned and why he’s had to change his account name at least once.

If moderators really want to tolerate a thread with a nobody like you calling on everyone else here to stop playing War Thunder every day… hey, their house, their rules, I guess. That’s between you and them. Doesn’t change the fact there’s no place for you in this game. ma dude. Your behavior here and in game shows you just don’t have the maturity to work with other people in multiplayer. I’d try something simpler, ideally something single-player and work on the rage management. I’d say you won’t be missed when you leave, but I suspect you don’t actually have the courage of your convictions, or ever mean anything you say really, and you will be here and starting another rant thread about how we should all stop playing this game next week, too.

Hey, upside, in this thread you’ve learned how to spell “hypocrite.” So there’s that, I guess.

EDIT:…aaand shadowbanned. Nah, let’s take it to the mods. I’m defending them here. The guy literally started this thread telling everyone they should quit playing this game. If the mods on appeal take me pointing that down and leave his original thread calling for the end of War Thunder up, well, that would be their verdict on what he’s saying right there, that they work for a game company they don’t want players to support or defend and their ToS, which I’m saying should be followed and OP is laughing at, mean nothing. Over to you, judges.


Then why do you comment in an arcade thread?

Let me guess you just saw the title and clicked on it without reading.

It’s always RB players doing this…

In addition to that: this is a pure Ground forces thread (lets be honest the majority of complaints are about ground forces, even the players complaining are almost exclusively playing ground vehicles).

So why not give it the ground forces flag,

Otherwise people might assume from the title and the flags, that all of AB has issues, even the naval battles and air battles. But that isn’t true. Yes Air AB has a few issues but it is amazing. So in a way the thread is misleading.

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Are you in a squadron where you actually squad with people and communicate in discord regularly?

In fact stop. i didnt ask you.

Ground Arcade has the worst game mechanics and dynamics of any game I have ever seen.

If you removed the BS from Ground Arcade there would be NOTHING left…

Absolutely nothing.




Please correct your capitalization.

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For example?

I have trouble to see the major differences between the tank modes anyway. AB RB and SB are very much alike. With aircraft the differences are far greater.

But other than the penetration indicator and the increased horsepower, there is little distinction between AB and RB.

I would say that Arcade is the mode for tanks that sort of works the best.

Tanks in SB are just a joke.
And the RB spawnpoint system makes one sided battles even more one sided.

Arcades “you get 3 spawns and that’s it” rule works fairly well.
Although i am a fan of modes with just a single spawn (even though i hate air RB, that’s the only saving grace it has).

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We could care less about your opinion of Arcade.

It has problems as realism has problems. It’s a wonderful game, executed regular.

The existence of some BR like 9.3 broken. People disappearing after a spawn. Repetition of maps… This is not only Arcade problem


This is not about safe space, you made a very blunt statement. Without any argument, calling it a dialogue would be bold.

Also the OP talked about general problems and already in the first lines he says it’s not just in Arcade.

But then he should not have posted in the arcade section.

Also if he wants it to be general his claims would need to be true in every gamemode at once, only then it is a general problem (so if i find a single part of WT where the statement isn’t true i can disregard it as a general issue… Btw this is why general statements are stupid, be specific).

So lets go through everything that is either not true in general, or not true at all.

The issue isn’t even close to be general. If you know anything about SB, you would know that SPAA is completely overpowered due to mouse aim. So this would be true in AB/RB, not SB. Therefore not a general statement.

I mean this is just a dumb statement… This isn’t even true in real life. Damage IS(!) inconsistent.


See, same gun, same range, same ammo. Different results. The value in the statcard should be the mean/median value of penetration, there should be normal distributed RNG with that mean to model real life.

Inconsistency is a good thing in this case.

In the end it is a question of whether you like realism. I like realism so the inconsistency i reassuring.

Nope, even with a perfect matchmaker stomps would be the norm. This is due to Lanchesters Law, not the matchmaker.

There is no matchmaker that could provide you with the result you want. This is just a fact about how battles are, even in real life. Usually they are very one sided even if the forces are evenly matched.

This isn’t fixable. It just is.

Also as most complaint threads, very ground battle centric. The other modes have issues too, you know.
If you have specific issues that are only in a specific gamemode or vehicle type, don’t act like that’s what’s wrong with the entire game… No… It’s just what’s wrong with your specific corner of the game. Don’t be so arrogant, your problems aren’t everyones problems.

The Tag says Arcade, so stick with them being arcade problems. You might even want to add the tag “ground battles” since the problems aren’t even arcade problems. They are arcade ground battle problems.

Also a lot of you RB players don’t get that AB is different and not easier because both sides have the same changes, which makes it like sword and shield fencing versus RB being about stealth and flanking. This makes it so that an experienced AB player on a city map can often easily take out multiple experienced RB players before he gets killed because he knows exactly where to shoot and how to position himself to bounce the incoming shots.

A good analogy for the two modes, thank you.


Some random funny facts:

Step 1; buy Premium account, 180 days for 20 euros, fine deal
Stpe 2: activate 200% XP booster for Air Arcade battle, line up your two japanese premium airplanes equipped with bombs for base busting
Step 3: get a d***ed conquer map with no bloody bases, for a it-never-changes routine
Step 4: get stuck in “loading” hell
Step 5: end up with no battle, no points, no booster, and penalyzed for 8 minutes since you “abandoned battle”
Step 6: seriously Gaijin??