i have been actively playing this game for about a year, though I have followed its development since 2015. and in 2015 the game actually cared about realism. now personally i like historical accuracy, but if that is not there the game should at least be realistic or immersive. which it isn’t. in 2015, we didn’t have a cluster shit Br system that essentially doesn’t work. matches actually required use of brains and tactical decisions by going to sniping positions or flanks which gijain is actively eliminating from maps as time goes on. now the best play is whatever the new “meta” is. instead of 1 or 2 nations per team, we can have like 5, which is some wot bs. doesn’t help that much of the top tier player base are a bunch of bush sweats camping somewhere for a whole game. the game has gone from a realistic war vehicle game to a game with realistically modeled vehicles and a shit game loop. all the excitement has been taken away and turned into anger because of horrible balancing and developmental choices… you cant have fun in the game with out being pissed of first, and that’s what its genuinely designed to be like. devs make it so crap that you need to buy things to speed it up. another issue is the updates, which get worse with every patch. hornets sting was basically a giant cash grab (even though the f18 was meant to be added a while ago) other than some MORE damn top tier planes, nothing was really added that effects game play in any major way, and this is a pretty noticeable pattern. I understand that the game is old and the gameplay loop is rather complete, but if complete is shit, it shouldn’t be left that way. so Im quiting this game, big waist of money and time. it’s completely lost its charm.
so im in the same boat as you but the main reason why people dont say these things is due to the fact that the dev team will take down the post due to it being “against the rules” but yes the BR system dose not work your always in a constant up tier every match they ruin almost every map they put into the game or “fixing” the ones that dont need to be fixed and yes this game has been and always been going into a cash grab game and is no longer f2p. enjoy your vacation and hope removing this game opens space in your pc for a better one
yes, thanks. I’m going to stick to enlisted now XD.
All your complaints apply just as much to Enlisted.
how so?
Ive been able to get half way through the American tech tree in the fraction of the time it took me in war thunder. and premium isnt necessary. also the game very much cares about realism…
Yes it’s a shorter tech tree - but realism is a very, very long way down the list of considerations.
Late war tanks in Burma, prototypes/non-used weapons and tanks, mixed nationalities - eg in the allies you can get American, British, French, New Zealand, Australian all on the same game, the BR’s mix up weapons that never “saw” each other, etc…
I mean your not rong. by realism though I mean by the way things actually work. now even though wt and enlisted both use the same arcade tank controls, in enlisted, you are stuck to optics and vision slits, as well as having to face infantry more often than tanks, which is more realistic than wt. also while enlisted does have things, like you mentioned like late war stuff in burma is true, its still much more historically accurate than some of the shenanigans wt has going on. like USA and Germany vs ww2 Russia and pt76 vs ww2. though, enlisted uses a slightly older version of wts damage model so I think wt is slightly better in that regard. I also will admit Im probably slightly biased towards enlisted as I have enjoyed it a lot recently haha.
lolwat? 2015 War Thunder was as unrealistic as it could get. Arcade was the only playable game mode, realistic ground physics weren’t even a thing yet.
Today the physics are the best they’ve ever been, and there’s realistic and simulator game modes.
There are more flanking routes today on maps than there were in 2015. Sweden alone has over 50 flanking routes vs the 1 - 3 of 2015 Sands of Sinai… if it even existed then.
Your post literally praised camping earlier in the post…
There’s also no such thing as “arcade controls”.
mouse controls I mean sorry. I mean that wt and most games with tanks being controlled by 1 person use something similar to mouse controls. I stated that because I didnt want to compare the controls of tanks between the two games. also when did I praise camping?
Sniping is a camping position.
Outside that, yeah mouse controls is accurate.
Can’t force gamers to buy a flight stick just for tank controls.
The dev team has nothing to do with the forum. The Forum moderators take down a post if it violates the rules. It’s their house, and their rules which we all agree to when we join the board.
I mean you aren’t rong, but I mean more so some dude shooting through a crack in a wall for an entire match. and yes I agree mouse controls is the best way for tanks controls. imagine if you had to buy a wheel and flight stick for wt haha
Forced gunner sight through gunners optics in RB would fix that.