Things wrong on Leclercs Thread

I would also add the ridiculous gun mantlet’s 100 mm protection which makes frontal ammo rack detonation happens quite often.

Added another issue to the list: Leclerc ( All Variants ) wrong UFP angle // // Issues


Lets hope they actually fix Leclerc this time, not bunch of “submitted as suggestion” that will never get implemented

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Most of the buff that matters such as armor, rotation and hyperbar have been submitted and acknowledged for months …

Oh no, it’s refused.

Not necessarily Responding to issues regarding dev server reports & an update on spall lining armor from the developers

I mean, in that report, the employee refused the russian document as evidence.

My bad I missed that

Yeah, we tried, but this one wasn’t really up to standard. We are just missing one secondary source for this, but strangely enough, no one talks about the Leclerc UPF angle lol. And GIAT never gave us any diagrams with specific dimensions of the Leclerc. We tried using a picture, but it’s very understandable that they refused it, as it’s very easy to cheese numbers this way.

So, if anyone has any kind of source giving us an UPF angle of the Leclerc of 80 degrees, feel free to MP me, that would helps a lot

Edit : there’s also still a bug report on the hull armor, separate from the one of the angle, which is acknowledged, so not all hope is lost yet
This one. I think boss man forgot to share it in this thread

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Bruh, I can’t even imagine how we French mains gonna fight against this Beast of Russian bias next patch.

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Knowing Gaijin, I feel like this is what’s gonna happen again this time.
This one about the angle of the UFP got rejected.

Yah, we are not surprised. We need a second secondary source. We wanted to see if the first source could be considered as primary, but had not to much hope


Leclerc (All Variants) Missing Spall Liner



yes pls.
The leclercs need it the most aside from the Arietes that would need it 200% more but still thx.
I do not play italy anyways and the topic is not about them.

They still don’t give the 3 Leclerc a roof machine gun, the AAT-52

As a general question, do you think it would be worth it to open another bug report on the leclerc azur as the last one got denied with a source that can’t tell apart composite from era screens?

Bug report in question: Community Bug Reporting System

Source they used to deny this report: Logbook Part II: UAE’s Army Leclerc MBT in Yemen | by Leone Hadavi | Medium

tanks in the blogpost don’t line up with ingame model either. Least we can get is another source they have that says its era?



Leclerc (All Variants) Incorrect Side Armour