Consider this. In real life, you don’t have an overlay that shows you the skill of each pilot in each plane. In fact, there is almost no possibility of access to this information in the first place. And even though War Thunder is a game, more convenient statistics display would be extremely annoying. It would be what some players (falsely) think ULQ is: a feature that must be turned on for the gameplay advantage, and suffer you will if you do not turn it on.
The most important arguments against this have already been stated and are very logical. It would make the lives of new players miserable, as they will be constantly targeted due to the perception of being an easy kill; it would cause players to make entirely unrealistic and selfish decisions in combat; it would break immersion completely. I think you misunderestimate the negative effects that such a change would bring in-game.
You sound like this would be something new - from my perspective this is common practice for years, the only difference is that the proposal presented here is suited to accelerate this process.
In deviation to your assessment i see team kills from experienced players mainly just for 3 reasons:
Trolling - so they kill guys spawning with He 51s at 6.0.
Blatant kill steals
An experienced player will not team kill “useless” team mates - every player is somehow useful even just to avoid the red square or blind hunt orders in rather tight matches with just a few players left.
From my pov the player cards provide way too much information - at least in a running match as this kills also the Immersion and surprise effects.
So in total deviation to the OP i would rather like to see the information about own and enemy players reduced in a running match - whilst after the match (final result screen) you have full access like today.
From my pov this is the reality in the current world of Air RB:
Every halfmost decent player is able to predict the outcome of 70-80% of his Air RB matches even before he spawns - just by looking at the plane choices of his team.
If he then invests 10-20 seconds to check the enemy team and their player cards for squads and checks then individual stats he can increase these values to 80-95%. The MM puts mostly the “best” enemies at the top 5 and players with rather high K/Ds but low WRs & activity in the bottom 5.
And ofc it is usual to check the vehicle statistics if you setup an attack or you get chased as it gives you besides a general impression of the player skill also an indicator if the guy behind you has a spaded plane or not.
So even if you end up in team of rookies you can at least warn your team not to engage squadded clubbers or to team up to fight individual players. This works quite often rather good if your team is able to read.
In other words:
I understand the motivation behind this proposal - but at the end of the day just experienced players would benefit. As gaijin is doing everything they can to reduce the impact of individual skill, i see no chance that they follow this path.
An experienced player always have an advantage about a “newbie”. In my opinion he should have it too.
In the past gjn doesn’t follow any path. Some examples:
Identification at the spotting system: Think about similar looking planes like the Yak-3 versions or A4s. Why some of them have clear identification and others don’t (Yak-3U, A4N)?
Why we can’t do a test flight with an unlocked vehicle (red in techtree)?
Why we can’t see BRs of vehicles in the scoreboard?
Why the loadout view in scoreboard is still broken (over years)?
All these examples play the cards for experience.
But in our case the informations are still there visible for all.
Make it easier/quicker to check increases the benefit for all players because experienced players check it anyway.
On the other hand, delete them, brings the advantage to squads with a dead player, he can check them. This method is in practice anyway.
And if I remember it right, Scoreboard filter had saved settings in the past. Why gjn changed it?