For starters this is a leak list so take it as a grain of salt. But, the past couple ground updates we have seen tanks the vbci, vilkas (event vehicle), and freccia. now with the leak list showing

for Germany, the Japanese Ctwv RCV. America has there own wheely bois that can be added that have had 0 attention. The lav25,

With a 360 spall liner, the a2 model have sabot, stab, and same sabot as the B6radley the a2 could go to 9.7 if not 10.0, 8.7 for the one with nothing but apds and gen 1 therms -(a1 model).
I wiki
The new armor will provide protection from [14.5 mm]
(14.5 × 114 mm - Wikipedia) armor-piercing rounds, and include an anti-spall lining on the inside to further protect crew members. It will be similar to the protection found on the U.S. Army’s LAV III "[Stryker]
LAV-25 - Wikipedia variant. Sources
DEFENSE NEWS: DTN News: General Dynamics To Supply 24 Light Armored Vehicles To the U.S. Marine Corps.
The next vehicle is the stryker dragoon, having the same turret as the vbci and same gun as the vilkas, vbci, Ctwv RCV (new might come), (stryker program officials pursued mounting a 30 mm cannon to the ICV’s remote weapons station. With the number of MGS vehicles per brigade being reduced, individual ICVs are to be up-gunned) - wiki Stryker - Wikipedia. In Wikipedia they talk about a joint production with Kongsberg Protech Systems, but from what ive seen its the XM-813 or Buchmaster MKII. Same as vilkas, vbci and the Japanese tank. (source on the gun https://www.dote.osd.mil/Portals/97/pub/reports/FY2018/army/2018strykericvd.pdf?ver=2019-08-21-155808-150)

boxer ACV -GERM
Stryker dragoon

im saying these should be coming if not already here seeing as other nations are getting there versions and some of the vehicles mentioned took American designs and made them their own.
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USA has the best aircraft in the game.
USA has a top 10 MBT.
USA has the 2nd best light tank.
USA largely lacks a top SPAA option, and I think Gaijin is looking for options/developing one they found.
Wheeled vehicles have weaknesses over tracked vehicles, and most of wheeled vehicle strength is their significantly lower cost that isn’t represented in War Thunder and their on-road speed advantage which also isn’t represented in War Thunder for most maps.
USA already has a tracked analogue: M3A3, so the point of giving Japan one is the fact they don’t have one to begin with.
They have Type 89, a great 9.0.
Freccia was added as the initial test of SPIKEs.
Vilkas still has no tech tree analogue.
VBCI also lacks a tech tree analogue.
All but Freccia was added when the tech trees didn’t have an M3A3 option.
Or in the case of Soviets: BMP-2M option.
Give it time as the other tech trees catch up to USA.
Not everything is on the leak lists.
im aware, i did say take it with a grain of salt.
Then what’s the point of the post? I would rather wait for the update and then maybe talk about it.
Looking at what might be coming and trying to make a last minute suggestion or just to talk abt the fact american light tanks in the past couple updates have been lack luster.
The sprut for Russia, the bmp3, and 2m are good. Italy has the many centauro models and the vbc pt2, Japan has type 16s, Germany gets the puma which can compare having more armor than America vehicles and bigger guns compared to America light tanks (excluding the MGS).
Last minute suggestions wouldn’t be added in the update anyway, it doesn’t resolve your problem.
I’ve seen enough “USA top tier…” “USA is lackluster…” posts… honestly you could use one of them.
Fixing various issues with the Stinger (#1 , #2, #3), and adding the Sgt. Stout (LW 30 (30x113mm) HE-VT at 200RPM) or Striker MSL with AGM-114L, AN/TWQ-1, MML or SL-AMRAAM (AIM-9X) would go some of the way. Also expediting the addition of TEL’s like the Rapier (FSC), MIM-23 or MIM-104 is worth consideration.
Alternately they could Reduce the SP cost of A2A ordnance and the base cost of fighters to allow for Fighter Sweeps to make up for issues with the Metagame, that they have caused.
Sprut - M1128 MGS [similar size too].
BMP-2M - M3A3.
USA [and Soviets] isn’t struggling for 10.x light vehicles.
I want more LAV 3 vehicles more than most; I’m just not going to make incorrect statements about USA’s current status to incorrectly justify my position.
Germany has 4 light tanks 9.3 and up, america has 2, italy has like 6 counting the centouro , the french vextra is comparable to the mgs, america has 2 (not counting hstvl at top tier)
And you at most bring 1 light tank in any lineup or you’re reducing your team’s capabilities, especially if you’re using free-to-play crews [5 limit].
You need as many MBTs as possible.
Ignoring TD’s and event Vehicles The US tree doesn’t have many implemented options, the M3(A3) also isn’t that good due to the low Fire rate compounded by; the fact the Dual feed mechanism is not modeled, further by the questionable belt composition and yet more by the terrible implementation of the TOW especially the -2B (and lack of Areo and or, -RF subvariants ), and lack of a Travel Lock on the missile’s launch tubes.
Which Leave it with one maybe two workable playstyles, both of rely on not drawing your targets attention and having functional teammates which is absurdly rare.
And its not like options don’t exist; M3(XM813) (105mm of pen at 60 degrees; 1000m is pretty good right?), M1296, various members of the Cadillac Gauge Commando Family (XM706 / M1117), LAV-25 etc.
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leaklists doesnt leak everything.
nobody predicted F-16C, but MiG-29SMT was.
gaijin just need to make things that us already have properly
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So 3 more mm than M919: 51x2 = 102mm pen.

So how are you justifying multiplying by two here, and not just reading off the flat penetration to get the value instead of finding Line of Sight thickness of the plate.
Its still a significant bump in performance, from approximately 20 to50mm, which results in increased penetration (and fragmentation afterwards too) ranges for common threats significantly.
60 degrees…
51 / cos 60 = 102mm of material, AKA 102mm of penetration.
Increasing penetration by 3mm is not “a significant bump”.
Not sure how you added a 0 to 2 and 5…
YOU brought up LOS penetration, not me.
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So the US Army, Navy and Marine Core is switching calibers, which is an enormous logistical undertaking, for practically no improvement in lethality at all?
You look at the column which lists the value for in game penetration @ 1000 meters, and read that it states 81 / 51mm for M919, and 105mm for NG1170W off the linked source. you then subtract the 30mm’s performance from that of M919 at comparable ranges, resulting in 105 - 81 and 105 - 51; which gives 24 and 54mm respectively, I then rounded the value as per the use of a single digit significant figure;
which gives the range, 20 ~ 50mm.
Where, I never mention RHAe anywhere?