The upcoming update seems unfair to US and more bias on RUS and China

I guess thats what they are famous for, complaining


I know this thread will be civil and constructive.

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Wasn’t it shown to be worse after 40km? That’s what I’ve seen for the data sheets and that’s the opposite of worse lol. It’s worse in fringe BVR scenarios.its a much better missile overall based on what I’ve seen from those data sheets.

Yet again, Buh Mussian Rias prevails over common sense.

First: the reason the Russians are getting TVC and we aren’t is because no aircraft currently ingame had it and to move to a US TVC loaded fighter, would be a significant generational shift

Second: R-77-1s are not all that. The reason Russia is getting them, is because the regular R-77s suck. The F-18C getting 10 120Bs also is not an issue because guess what? The F-18 can’t carry more than that.

The reason the F-18s aren’t getting special systems to help them win a dogfight is because A. its unrealistic. B. At the right speed an F-18 can go toe to toe with an Su-30SM, and C. The F-18s dont need to have hand holding for worser players.

If you think the Su-30SM’s TVC is going to be game breaking (mind you some of the earliest TVC tech) then just you wait for something like the Su-57

Oh and for clarity, I main US and Sweden. I don’t care if my nation is on top because frankly it shouldn’t be on top synthetically. Let us go against better aircraft than ours, US is overdue for a challenger in the skies and the era of US domination in WT has been old since it started.


I couldn’t count how much threads about the same topic (US ‘suffers’) I’ve seen since the DevServer has opened.


So because USA is getting the 3rd best 14.0 next major update, and Soviets are getting the worst 14.0 air performance, there’s Russian and Chinese bias? lol

USA, Japan, and Israel.*

F-15C/JM/BazM/E/I* dominated.


The meta isn’t dominated by aim120 because the meta isn’t 1 specific style of play in Air.

“BVR” - Aim120.
“WVR” - R77/Mica.

The more apt description would be the aim120 has been the most dominant missile for BVR jousting, but ARB isn’t just BVR and it lags quite handedly in dogfights compared to missiles that are absolutely more effective for HOBs.

Not to mention the 10 aim120’s are from a very speed lacking platform from what I can see. Aim120 from an f15c/e isn’t the same as an aim120 from an f18.

The f15 can’t dominate if the EF is better in every regard except outright speed. The EF has dominated and Rafale is even better(differently).

All you need to do is beat the initial BVR pointless missile throws(easy) and make it to near middle and the EF and Rafale have all the advantage.

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By the time you get to su57 you have the latest f-22 which will take it on any day. Ain’t nothing getting broken in the game if we’re at that point because what’s important at that point has nothing to do with tvc.

I’d say the Thai JAS 39 C, since the F-15J (M) is technically inferior to the F-15E, while also, with worse equipments (reads missiles).

But in reality is US, Germany and France due to the number of players on Meta vehicles but US, Germany, Great Britain, France and Israel regarding vehicle models and capabilities.

It’s the only game for realism unless you wanna buy a $1500+ set up for DCS

The absolute state of American Mains is insane, people will literally just play a single nation and literally make new accounts to post about unfinished stuff on the dev server it’s insane like go outside.


it’s the only way they feel validated, they know papa gaijin will accommodate their needs

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Yeah except in sim. The F15E is good however the Rafael and Eurofighter are way better due to how the games go.

How is the J-11A worse? the R-73’s are gonna be better.
From what’s on the dev server now the B will have only 1 datalink same as A variant meaning you will only really use ARH’s for closer range shots at planes at higher altitudes. This means that higher pull is better. The RVV-AE pulls harder than the PL-12 at closer ranges meaning the J-11A is better because its at a lower BR with better missiles and same flight performance.

Here you can see that the RVV clearly pulls a lot harder thus is better than the PL-12 when paired with that dogshit radar system.

here is the R-73 vs the PL-8B btw. you can see that even at only 30 degree offbore it wont even hit the target… And if you cant really do crazy offbore launches then a PL-5EII would have been better because its way faster with less burn time so the missile is harder to see.

I mean it’s literally in their interests economically, 7 top tier premium jets lmao

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Sometimes, I think US Mains are annoying as hell.

Especially when they act like

  • “USA! USA!! USA!!! #1 Country need to dominate EVERY GAMEMODE, in EVERY BR RADIUS! and it is historically correct.”
  • If you disagree with us, you are one of those commies.

Do they think Non-US main players are not real players but unmanned bots or something?


it’s the dev server what part of subject to change is lost on you, the pl8b and j11b literally aren’t fully modeled correctly so your measurements and ultimately post as a whole are meaningless.