The upcoming update seems unfair to US and more bias on RUS and China

Your AIM-120 A/B already have the range of AIM-120C. Do you know everytime I have to notch MSL up to 30km and go back to the battlefield and that time we already won or lost the battle?

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Objectively false?

Excuse me?China Bias?Are you joking?China is by far the most powercrept and targeted faction in WT

100m multi path and people were still stupid enough to die to ER’s its really funny how bad the average player is the actual meta of that time was 16c and grippy with 6 9m’s mutlipathing with periodic on


someone post the sim wr chart xdd US is at 70% rn

The fear mongering about 27ER reached absolutely insane levels, so you can’t really blame people for falling for it.

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But AIM-9X (Block 1) not wait til 2026 because no datalink and LOAL capable

Late 4th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile for domestic russian 4th gen & early 4.5 gen fighter aircraft

In my opinion, gajin ready Su-30SM2 (Russian Navy) with R-37M 2029 or 2030. engine, avionics and armament like Su-35S

But Su-30SM2 might separate vehicle from Su-30SM

I can because they clearly either flew in space and died to the ER or didn’t play the BR range

I agree with you.
Most people won’t accept they’re bad at the game so they’ll latch onto even the most stupid reasons to feel better.

This was further amplified by malicious fear mongers with IRL biases telling everyone what’s basically just a small part of the story.

Before the introduction of fox 3s, flying low and left wasn’t as prevalent as it is now. There was room to gain some altitude. That and even with fox 3s now, the belly rubbing is only for the intitial salvo of missile spam before you can actually climb and turn fight. It is still the best SARH missile. Much like thr F/A-18 now, the Aim-7P is a year late and would’ve been more of a balancer during the time the 27ER dominated.

US almost always has France and the UK, sometimes Sweden too, on their team. The Rafale, EFT, and Typhoon are the dominant aircraft. Yes, the F-15E is good, but the meta is currently in the EU’s court right now. I cant imagine it stays there for too long since they only spec’ed into those airframes and the F-35 and we are some updates away from that (what I assume is) largely classified airframe coming to the game.

Never heard someone call the gripen that before

Can we ban these posts pls

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I love how russian bias the boogie man for US and Germany players

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it was though because there were fox 3s phoenix’s had received a buff that made them hit people much more consistently which meant most people sat under 100m where they wouldn’t hit them and just fly around there untill everything with SARH missiles was dead and the f14s were on their airfield

this ofc lead to the meta of a jas 39a or f16c hugging the dec with pure flare load turning with everything and winning

Because instead of admitting they played badly in an amazing jet, they blame Russian bias because it can never be their fault they flew into space and didn’t notch a missile, they should just win the match as soon as they take off from the ground


Sorry for pinging, but I think this discussion can’t make any good things but only can make arguing with each other.

It seems this discussion is one of “Communism Biased” discussions which needed to be sorted out long ago.

Yea I guess, went off topic a long time ago, and doesn’t look like it will be any better