THE truth behind gambling boxes

So what I noticed while watching bigger youtuber spending millions of SL into Lotboxes is that its mostly around 250-220 boxes which you need to open to get a vehicel. I tried it out my self and guess what I opened aroun 250 boxes for 15 million SL and I got a vehicel. Try it out by yourself and go watch gambling videos and multiply the ammount of vehicels wih 60.000 SL and divide it with the ammount of SL (do not count the SL which where won only what the person started with) spended and you will get a number around 250.
I hope this maybe helps you!

I got a vehicle on literally my first crate.

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I opened 400+ and not a single vehicle this time.

It won’t. You are working with anecdotal evidence in an attempt to control / explain stochastic. But that’s not how math works, not to mention there are just as many stories of players who opened 500 boxes and more without getting anything, as well as players who got something after only opening a handful of boxes.

It’s simply random. The more boxes you open the more likely it is that you will eventually get the reward you want. It’s like rolling dice or flipping coins at a much larger scale; the chance is only ever 100% if you try infinite times.

And the only mathematical truth to take away from this is:
If you open an infinite amount of boxes, you are guaranteed to get an IS-7.

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It is not the same always. it depens on your luck but this is the normal ammount you need.


^ That, there is no need to start a new topic