That made no sense.
How so? Some of the vehicles are so hideously rare that they were basically a waste of Development resources, leaving less capacities for other areas of War Thunders Development.
And in other instances the opposite is the problem like in the case of the German Trinity. They are everywhere but yet a part of us players gets excluded for reasons that no longer hold up or are proven to be baseless, inacceptable, hypocritical, biased etc. All Gaijin Developers did with their “Changes and optimization in the German tech-tree” was causing division and dissent in the Community.
Just today I had one player on my Team who felt the need to offend my Team and me with his Panther II and Tiger II 10 5. Next Match he was on the enemy team, so I executed his KT 105 to the turret face. Same with an unrelated Panther II user on Sun City. Why should they be allowed this? We are one Community, E Pluribus Unum.
Yeah, everybody should get a way to get those tanks. It is really really unfair for a player to see them but never beeing able to play them.
I even got teamkilled by someone because of my Flakpanzer Coelian. He pushed me into the river in eastern europe.
If everybody has a chance to get this tank, stuff like this would not happen anymore.
Rare items are what makes game interesting.
I can’t think about a single game that doesn’t have rare items that can’t be obtained by the community after some time.
I really pity today’s youth. Growing up in this FOMO gaming Dark Age is really sad. They don’t even know how great things were.
Youve made it abundantly clear in other posts as well as this that you are not interested in what does or doesn’t improve the game, you are only interested in having you/your account interesting by gatekeeping vehicles from players. Its an unfortunate mindset that quite a few people have.
This makes no sense. The game is interesting because of the core gameplay loop, its why people keep coming back again and again, and the variety of vehicles and playstyles available. The more choice for the player, the better. Removing vehicles for any reason takes away from that variety and in the case of the three vehicles the post is about, significantly weakens the lineups they are part of.
To name a few from my homescreen: Cs2 which has rare items but they can all be bought, The Hunter COTW, EFT, Satisfactory, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, MOWAS2, Station to station, the list goes on.
This isn’t what they asked for proof of though.
They asked for proof of the gun fitting in the turret.
I don’t really care that much about what I have in my account or what I can’t have (as I have missed some vehicles). What I care about is letting people have rare vechicles as they were intended to be rare.
Players were promised to obtain a vehichle that is not going to be available in the future, so things should remain like it.
The game can be interesting for people for various reasons, rare vehicles are part of the reason.
Thus why Gaijin should provide better vehicles to suit that line-up, not bring things that were removed back.
Not all as if the number of items don’t get increased and people won’t sell them, others will be unable to buy it.
Please don’t make me laugh with listing none multi PVP games.
Maybe Battlefield 4, they made the rarest weapon aviable to everyone by just knifing a Box on a specific map. There are some annoying challenges to unlock Weapons, but there are custom Servers dedicated solely to completing those challenges together as easily as possible.
Maybe also Fortnite? Are they still only selling cosmetics?
Mortal Kombat?
I do not know for sure, War Thunder has replaced everything for me. I long to continue my NG+ on Horizon Forbidden West to finally get to the Burning Shores, but the War Thunder grind and FOMO never stop.