This is how „rare” vehicles work.
So? It’s not a good thing.
Of course it is.
Good and old players are getting benefits, like in most online games.
Hard disagree. FOMO is a toxic thing to build mechanics around.
Sorry but awarding old and good players is beneficial for the game.
While i would ignore these kind of Topics.
The 10,5 cm K. L/68 and its longer brother of L/70 were in fact build, there are even pictures and documents about the tests on the internet, however it was never on anything more than a fixed test stand mounted (beeing in a report from 24.02.1943 the mount of a 21 cm Mörser 18) where the L/68 barrle with 18 kg Pzgr 965m/s and with the Pzgr. Rot of 15,6 kg 1025m/s
And then with L/70 barrle 1075m/s with 15,6 kg Pzgr. Rot.
Regarding the Flakpanzer 341, its guns the 3,7 cm Flak 341 which were new longer barrled belt fed 1000m/s guns, of wich iirc 6 were build for tests, but also not mounted.
So the guns existed.
And the typical myth “the 105 wouldnt fit, it allready clips in game through the rangefinder”
Is absolute bollocks, the in game model is the standart “breech model” irl, it was like the KwK 44 L/70 with recoil cylinders UNDER the gun, unlike ingame, and by that also did fit, like zhe KwK 44 L/70 of the Panther F.
Not when it uses toxic FOMO mechanics.
can you prove what you say
“CAn YoU pRoFe WhAt YoU sAy?”
Google it yourself THERE ARE PICTURES of the gun.
Thats why i avoid these topics, IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER.
Also if it wouldnt be like that, it wouldnt have fit in the 21 cm M18 mount.
Please point out what is toxic about current situation
why so hostile?
FOMO mechanics are toxic because they rely on negative emotions to drive you to want and acquire these things so you play the game when they want you (constantly) in fear of missing out. It’s in the name if you know anything about this (FOMO)
Sorry but things are not getting removed/added in one day, thus there is no fear of missing anything out.
You make a claim so don’t be suprised if people ask for proof.
It’s okay if you don’t want to provide it, we can just throw what you said together with the other German main copes.
As i sayed it doesnt matter, and THIS “german main copes” stick it up your bum.
And here, it took me 10 seconds to google it, do it yourself.
Thats why i, as a player that has all three of them, plus a bunch of other forbidden gems, advocate that they are ALL added back. Every single vehicle should be made obtainable through one way or another.
I want everyone to be able to drive with these tanks, aswell as I myseöf would love to have a way to obtain a Sturmtiger, as i sadly couldnt do the event. Nobody should be left out.
The turret from the G version is irl
the G turret on Panther 2 is not a real Panther 2 turret, it was just installed by Fort Moore USAACC Museum to make it look more complete. The actual turret would be a D style with an additional 20mm on the front and 10mm on the sides (if I remember correctly, it may have been 20mm for the sides too) the G turret is also newer by over a year as the panther 2 project was scrapped in the summer of 1943 when the G only appeared in march of 1944
Gaijin will not re-ad them cause they don’t care about ww2 enjoyers anymore, they think that everyone wants toptier and that’s what are they doing, only top tier and they don’t do so much for actual ww2 gameplay. There are many WW2 concepts from Germany, USA and URRS and the game just don’t adds them, a great example is the PZ.II Luchs, we’ve been asking for it and nothing. Could be great as an event or premium since it was not that heavly produced and Aprox a 100 where made. Another one is the Hummel.