The "tHis Is PvE" players needs to get sorted out

There is a difference between “playing a bomber” and rigging game into PvE only so you can mindlessly suicidally strafe airfield with Phantom/Aardvark, frogfoot to speedrun event grind.

Oh btw you don’t even play SBEC match.

@Necronomica you might be interested to watch out for those behaviors.

We already do, i see and punish those types of chats regularly.

Please use the in-game complaint system to report anyone saying these things in chat. We cannot use screenshots as they are way to easily manipulated.


Maybe Sim reward nerfs are needed after all. screw those guys

Well yes, the grind is so bad as is, that’s why they’re tired of the abuse. And sometimes it’s for a relaxing time, no stress, just ez fun.

(Before you go typing anything)

I do my fair share of pvp. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say I don’t mind sim pve, as it’s really the only way to grind bombers, but I cannot agree with people hate spam reporting others.

And before anyone says anything else. Bombing is not PVE, bombing is in fact PVP. As you are still reducing the amount of tickets the enemy team has. (Not that gaijin agrees, since they think they’re losing $$$ )

As a note, take a look at what happened to heli pvp, sure it was a scuffed mode to begin with, but now, we have heli pve, the rewards were good and fair at the beginning, now? Now it’s pointless to play.


Thank you for that insight o7
(Also a way to explains to people doing such behavior that they’re watched)

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You don’t… but… Vr and Hotas is borderline OP when it comes to controls. With controller being okay, and as far as I’ve heard M&K being terrible.

Another reason these score events should only be 35k at worst.

To be honest I don’t have a problem with them unless they’re throwing themselves at airfield AA to grind, then they’re fair game.

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This is also fair game according to war thunder employees, you’ll be disappointed that zombers will never get punished.

You only need to report them in game and they will be chat banned if any mod see that. Asking for PvE in chat is against the rule.

On the other hand, some entitled sim players should realize that zombing airfield itself is never against the rule. Sim is not a mode only made for you fighters :)

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Nah, VR is unplayable. Gaijin cant even fix their game in normal view, VR is riddled with bugs, not to mention an ergonomic issue. If you actually want a competitive edge, a proper headtracking solution with curves is the go to. Don’t have to snap your neck to look backwards.

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We can thank these people for how badly SIM rewards are handled.
I take a special kind of pleasure in hunting them.
I just go around the Phantom BRs / wherever there’s the highest Premium count.
Once im in a lobby , i check the score of both teams.
If i see signs of airfield bombing ( low TNT bombing done - high score ) , i stay and intercept these players relentlessly ( Shoutout to the R24T).
That way i clean the servers of filth one lobby at a time, and progress my own Event task.

I encourage others to also hunt these lobbies . Very easy way to gain event score.
Do your part, clean the servers.


Sounds like i’ll remember your name and join that session for bomberhunting

VR works well for me, to save your neck check out necksafer

So ? What’s the issue with them ? You just kill them and get rewarded

What is the recommended report Category? Innappropriate language?

Exactly, also their comments in the chat when they get shot down sometime are pure poetry, hilarious to read.

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The issue is… How?

Sim is the last bastion for half decent gameplay for ground attack aircraft and with a little bit of effort, could have amazing gameplay for them. (Especially for aircraft like the Buc S1 or F-117 that literally have no A2A options)

If Sim is going to remain a decent gamemode for PvPvE. Then the E needs to be at least half decently rewarded, which will naturally encourage people to try and promote these kinds of “PvE only” lobbies. Heck i’ve been in a few that werent promoted as PvE or anything, but the 7 or so people in the match were all just in ground attackers hitting bases or ai vehicles. I think there was 1 PvP kill over the course of about an hour. That is not against the ToS.

So there really needs to be balancing act.

Those that try to enforce PvE only lobbies just need to be reported and perma banned. Simple.

The trickier ones are those that suicide ram the airfields for score. Imo the airfields need to remain as legitamate targets for attack for various reasons, but someway of curtailing the score farm from them needs to be implemented, perhaps you only get the score from attacking an airfeild upon a successful RTB.


Thats why I am making a joystick that everyone can make and its not complicated
2 potentiometers arduino leonardo and 4-3 buttons(im not finished yet but i will post the results so everyone would have access to it) and yes i have a friend which is op with mouse and keyboard in sim