The Teamkill related rules are pure garbage

A game starts, i am at the very front of strike group. A Wyvern kills me in 15 seconds, there is no fucking enemy in 10 kms. You know it is on purpose, I know it. Gaijin knows it. I don’t even understand why would a Wyvern kills me for any purpose, I had a cannon payload, not bombs.

There is a stupid policy in game, where you will only get autobanned if you kill 2 in one game. X times in a week and Y times in a month. It is easy to get around those rules, just count the times you being piece of shit in a day or week and you get away with teamkills. You can literally be a nasty piece of shit but if your intelligence allows you count how many TK you did in a period, you are golden.

  • The guy who decided to these numbers has low IQ, just like Wyvern rushers
  • One TK at the start should be autoban, period. No excuse. It is 99% of the times purposeful. The next is misclicking by mistake, you still deserve a ban. The next reason might be AFKing when you are taking off, you still need a ban.
  • I need to repeat myself in case Gaijin low IQ devs couldn’t hear in the back. This is a garbage and low IQ teamkilling autoban ruleset that is easy to get around. You are bad at your job.

Now you can flag this post to make it invisible, so problems will go away.


Here are the teamkill rules from Steam forums 10 years ago. Currently, autoban rules are not public.

Arcade Battles (AB)
3 TK per session - auto kick from session
8 TK per day – auto kick from session and 1 day ban
17 ТК per week – 7 day ban
25 ТК in two weeks – 1 month ban
35 TK per month – 2 months ban

Historical Battles (HB) / Full Real Battles (FRB)
2 TK per session – auto kick from session.
5 TK per day – auto kick from session and 1 day ban
17 ТК per week – 7 day ban
25 ТК in 2 weeks– 1 month ban
35 TK per month – 2 month ban

This is the original logic they started with, and it continues as you can see. In Air RB, 1 TK(in first 2-3 minutes) doesn’t send you to hangar.

TK in the 12km zone of AF at start: Extra 300.000 silver lion penalty.

2 TK in a session: 200.000 lion penalty (can be cumulative)
4TK in a day: 500.000 lion penalty + kick ban 1 day
12 TK in a week: 750.000 lion penalty + kick ban 3 days
16 TK in 2 weeks: 750.000 lion penalty + permanent kick ban. Way to unlock the account: Pay 2500 golden eagles unlock fee. - Unable to use gaijin coins, must be a real payment. Unlock is avaiable after 72 hours.

There shouldn’t be any unlocking on a perma banned account. We don’t need them back, no matter how much they want to spend to get thier precious account back.

y not? Once. Only once. :)

Nah, because it shows a precedent…

‘Oh but you unlock that for this, so why not this?’

And it shows that you can buy your way around the rules…

There’s more than 1 way to be toxic in game, TK mechanics as they are now should stay to allow some form of self moderation regardless if there are occasional asshats that start blasting people on the runway… it’s not like you get TK every game, or even more than once every 100 games.

Yea, there is that… There’s not a lot of positive in the game currently, compared to the amount of angst and abuse that comes from matches…

I can’t blame people for turning off chat, but that wasn’t the solution… It avoids it, but it never solved it.

In my theory the TK is punished sooner and harder than now. The unlock fee is a good 'ashsole-tax. Gaijin lives from money. The unlock fee is a way to gather. Oh, and the unlock doesn’t clear the counter! :D

+1 idea: Unlock fee doubles for each time.

Imagine the face when you face, you already paid time 17.5, 2nd time +35, and 3rd time +70 EUR for extra 4-4 TK in 2 days because of the counter doesn’t reset, and now you have to pay 140 EUR to unlock the account again!

The TK players are mostly kids. Dad will decide to pay for a doc for an anger management treatment, and not for the game again! :D

good, you should be teamkilled you goddamn plane bastard, we should have this back in grb