The T80 BVM tank's ammunition does not explode even when it receives a direct hit

Amount of fragments seems to stack the chance linearly. So say you hit ammo that has a 0.15 chance, it goes to guaranteed at 7 fragments hitting it.
That seems to be the case from my experience.

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Thats funny since Tow launchers on both Bradleys lack both Dm collisions. Cant be hit no matter of their position, cant be detonated.


That only explains it barely getting damage. In game ammunition quite often blacks out without detonating/causing fire. Present not just in USSR vehicles. Theres is also modeling issue where ammo whcih should explode if struck doesnt explode and ammunition which shouldnt explode exploding. As well as issue of modeling pack of rounds as one module.


It’s possible, especially if only 1 - 2 fragments hit the round.

Broken IMO, if it gets blacked out let it explode or cause fire at least. Makes ammunition, one of the most dangerous places to get hit practically be nothing if struck half the time on tanks.

Well, actually, even IRL ammo detonation isnt guaranteed on the hit.

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Ok, based on how much has been attempted since WW-2 (and till ww2) to make ammo detonation happen less I would say otherwise. But if you re saying right thing I apologize.

There’s been so much complain about WT ammunition that i witnessed despite being in the game not as long as in others.

from my interaction with the guy, he seems to be following a pre-set script and so i dont hold many hopes of him actually responding to address the issue

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The problems are mostly comes out from catching fires. Like, IRL, tanks are mostly being abandoned after penetration. So if tank catches fire with penetration (from fuel tanks or other sources), crew need time to abandon it. And thats why ammo needs protection (one of the reason). Like, mostly all horrible destructions that we see on photos (old or new) are happened afterwards.

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Most of them dont have any clue what theyre talking about.

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Id like to have a word with that moderator and talk about some current events and evidence of these “Wet stowage” carousels

Just watch this video

Start from 2nd minute and until you see the black screen with the results.
Ignore the fact it’s made by russian youtuber and just see that its not just russian tank’s ammunition refusing to explode.
T-80s ammunition explodes in 10/13 times when NATO tanks explode 8/13 times (its same 10 except two just refused to die despite there being a hole in the blowout panel (means it should not work but it still does))

This video just further proves @AlvisWisla


Wouldn’t use that video. From what it seem the T-80s
mainly blow up from getting hit in the fuel not the ammo. If they want to make a fair and proof it’s happening they’d shoot in the lower part of the carousel below the turret and not in the side near the engine


No, on the video starting since 2nd minute they are shooting the charges, not the fuel which is supposed to explode, unlike APDSFS shells which have no explosive filler inside unlike one piece ammunition.
Plus on kill messages it is written Ammunition explosion on every tank (only one tank says fuel explosion)

My long video still has 42-43 shots fired, 37 deaths in my BVM being fired upon by 3BM46.

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I mean look around, EVERYTHING is getting blown up by ATGM’s. Leo’s and Challengers too.

We’ve broken this down just a few days ago. The report itself was a huge nothing burger. The guy is basically complaining that the TOW-2B isn’t strong enough, when the angles of the charges vs most ERA equiped Russian tanks makes a crew kill much more likely than an ammo kill. He wants an ammo kill when he isn’t getting one. Depending on the flight angle, the missile may be detonating over part of the hull, and depending on the side, may be detonating above the fuel tank where some tanks but shells that aren’t in the carousel.

If the bug report was worded something like: “I’ve notice that the carousel seems to behave the way wet/protected storage shells do. Is there a chance the carousel has been coded improperly?”. Instead he complains about not getting the 2A, and now being able to fight ERA equipped MBT’s the way he wants to.

That or the issue isn’t being presented properly.


It is by no means 0.15.
Where did you get that from? There are a LOT of ammunition models and properties specific to them.

Literally none of the T-80s in game are identical in armor, apart from those sharing the same patterns

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I got 0.15 from the game files itself; and if you read my post you’ll see “T-80U”.

Huh… Unless all 104k “game files” say that, I wouldn’t bank on it by any means.

I am blind.

Shoot for the fueltanks, because the well used to be new updates, Russian Fueltanks Explode 90% of the time, even though diesle is very hard to set aflame, but oh well, i guess the russians got their time to suffer