The SU-27SM might be the WORST top tier i have ever played

could have new 2x L265M10 Khibiny-M ECM jammer pods operational

The stronger engines would be very welcome.

Jammer not release in game

|AL-31FM1 (Series 42) [28]|Improved version for the Russian Air Force|Salyut|2007|29,760 lbf (132.4 kN)|Yes

(Optional)[28]|Sukhoi Su-27SM, Sukhoi Su-30, Sukhoi Su-34|In se|
| — | — | — | — | — |

having the most advanced radars and not considering ECM. the scales are unbalanced.

Before writing such nonsense. Look at how Western weapons have proven themselves.




I don’t know if Khibiny was on(transmitting noise) when the aircraft was hit

The plane was shot down by a Soviet missile.

with anti radiation missile?

No, it was a BUK-M1 like.

depending on how many BUK-M1s are spread out, I don’t know if I could jamming them all

There can be many factors, getting into a dead zone, crew error, equipment failure

I really have no idea what was going on in the pilot’s head

thinking that a simple jammer would be able to make something invulnerable by itself is a mistake

Russian pilots probably enjoy turning off their ECM systems before combat; maybe they have an adrenaline addiction or something like that. Or, the Khibiny system is just so poor that it doesn’t live up to its specifications.

But the Russians themselves boasted about their invulnerable electronic warfare systems. And now they are suffering unjustified losses in aviation, which even include AWACS planes (how many of those have been shot down, one or two?).


Russian Electeonic warfare systems were second to none in 2014.

They could block, interfere and disrupt all manner of electronic communication amd radio wavelengths. They exploited weaknesses in devices from military to civilian hardware extremely well.

The west has had 10 years of conflict in ukraine to study and counter these EW systems and have rendered them practically useless to the point that most civilian hardware is extremely well protected against it.

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