Well done, we should sell more overpowered premiums so that the only people who play the game are those that take advantage of your greed. That will make you even more money which is all that Gaijin cares about at the end of the day. Not game balance, money.
You have access to all aspect missiles and 300 flares.
You aren’t meant to have air superiority in a CAS focused plane.
Again, all aspect missiles are not common at 10.3, there’s no reason these planes should have access to them at a BR where even strong rear aspect missiles are uncommon.
Yes the BRs are tied together if they weren’t I could advocate for 1 or the other since they aren’t I can’t.
The A-10 and SU-25 would perform just as well at 10.3 as they do currently at 10.0 in Air RB
They would be moved to a BR range where at least the enemy is guaranteed to have SPAA to engage them if they were 10.3 where as currently they can see downtiers to 9.0 where SAM SPAAs are not available for any nation.
This is the problem with Air RB, maps are decently big but all AI targets and bases are tightly put in the middle of the map, so speed is absolutely critical for Strike aircraft to get there and escape in time. Both planes in question don’t have that so Gaijin took an easy way out, instead of making changes to the mode to fit those types of vehicles, they simply gave them really, really strong missiles for their BR in hopes that will “balance” things out.
Gaijin’s inability to change that mode led to all of this, where you’ll have all-aspect 30G missiles going against flare-less planes, which is ridiculous.