The Snail is protecting players litterly

image ^

HOW THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? i hit the PzH 2000 in 3:42.063 which it says to me that my shell didn’t do anything while the Shell simulator shows that the shell should have killed him, And he later get’s the chance and does kill me in 3:42.694 , And it isn’t my shell didn’t count that exact second he didn’t even die later.

Doesn’t that shell simulator just do a random shot, not the actual one you fired?

Wdm it the one straight pulled out of the Log same distance same milisecond same angle


It’s still just a simulation. Not what actually happened in your match. Post-pen damage varies shot to shot. Nothing to see here.

Hows there nothing see here? I shot a player and my shot didn’t even count during the game i got “Shell satter” The game does even know what suppose to happen?? and i didn’t get my kill for it and died by the game failure to do it’s caculations