and i doubt gaijin would buy new servers for 1 missile LMAO.
not for 1 missile really, every missile with thrust vectoring has wobbling issues on live, mica, r77, r73, sraam, and even if they would want to add more modern stuff like asraam or 9X, they will suffer same issue.
its just that different missiles have different levels of the “wobbling” afaik
So, with fixed rafales radar, we actually have pretty damn decent BVR platform.
Issue is, missile is literally incapable of this.
I dont understand why amraam gets its supposed range, PL12 aint that far, Darter/derby close to their supposed performance and then there is R77 and Mica… R77 rtechnically will hit over 50km and mica? It cant even pass that range, let alone have decent kinematics at it. Its nez up high is 1/3 of amraam.