Wasn’t it electrically fired B-20 20mm cannons?
The project included B-20 cannons, but the fire control system did not understand them… So the first 3 aircraft received 12.7 mm.
A lot of experimentation was done with aircraft No. 4, they experimentally received B-20 cannons, then also experimentally NS-23 mm cannons, it was for aircraft built until April 1950…
After April 1950, after a very long tuning of the firing systems, the USSR government finally decided that only machines with the PV-23 Hvezda firing system, with 10x NR-23 mm, would be built.
It doesn’t matter what you think or believe - you just have to read posts more carefully.
The question was not if G8Ns are actively hunting fighters, the question is if attacks on G8Ns are a suicide commando or not.
Nobody in this thread asked for an increase of the BR of the G8N. You see just comments that the plane is way to successful for a bomber and must have triggered some statistics guy within gaijins data crunching team.
As gaijin sees (heavy) prop bombers just as fighter food, the do what they always do: Increase the BR, usually accompanied by a stealth nerf.
Your argument regarding preventing new players from playing it is invalid - a real passionate bomber pilot went through the JP tech tree and has flown Ki-67s before.
This has 2 aspects:
- Damage model of bombers
- Anecdotal perceptions whilst fighting of flying G8Ns
Regarding #1 - look it up, there are dozens of threads / posts dealing with this topic.
Regarding #2 - You saw the fellow player above describing events in matches, i added that a G8Ns even survived 3 hits with MK 108 mine shells.
This is a) not correct and b) totally irrelevant as there is zero connection between irl and the game play gaijin is willing or able to offer.
I do play them regularly and I have to admit that SD mechanic is quite annoying but I didn’t struggle with shooting down bombers nearly as much.