The rewards for Naval should be quintupled

Because I believe the rewards for Naval should be increased.

“thousands of people” “naval” pick one

I do not mean only increase SL rewards.

Yes, if you’re in 5.0+

Play Air Realistic and get back to me.

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Oh you’re an expert on Naval with your 3 minutes of Naval experience? You know nothing about the mode, nor the issues that is has had with bots. You get better SL reward multipliers on br 4.7+ destroyers than you get on rank 8 aircraft even though they are rank 2, you can get loads of kills/caps in a naval game compared to even ground modes, and you can progress pretty quickly when compared to ground. Naval is fine.

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Do you understand the difference between these two things

The rewards for Naval should be quintupled

Oh goodness, it seems you forgot to mention exactly what you were talking about in your title AND initial post again. Now where does it specifically say RP again? Oh wait, it says REWARDS and SL AND RP are REWARDS.

It’s almost like you think RP stands for reward point and not research point. Is that where your disconnect is?

I did not state I am specifically talking about RP gain for the thread overall. The comment I responded to was directly referencing RP rewards. That’s how quoting works, you are referring to the words inside the quotation rather than the entire [x] comment thread. This usually helps conversation if the other person understands how to use a forum.

Yes I agree.

Exactly, you didn’t. I spoke on the overall rewards being ok, then you go off topic about air realistic. Are you making a comparison? Are you allergic to writing more than one line at a time? By all means, use words, clearly and concisely.

If you are making a comparison with Naval and Air RB, then understand why rewards for Air RB are different than every single other mode. That is the lack of respawning. No other mode lacks respawns, so no other mode will have rewards as high per action as Air RB.

Naval is already the biggest money maker (SL) in the game - it finances everything else I do with 106 million surplus…!

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Other game modes are not off topic as they are in direct competition with eachother for playerbase.

Ground is by far the most popular in the game and has been since its addition. Air maintains relevance by having direct cross over with ground. What does Naval have? If Naval is to be relevant its relevancy must be tied to Ground in some fashion. This is why its SL reward multiplier is so incredibly high. Gaijin has already made this choice.

The second progression issue is research points. Researching vehicles in Naval is slower than both Ground and Air. The only activity that is majorly rewarded in Naval is staying alive. This by design makes gameplay very static as dying for an objective is pointless if the objective has no reward. Either the value of these actions must be changed or the overall multiplier must be majorly increased.

Gaijin has already agreed that SL rewards should be better than Ground / Air. It’s time for RP to be given the same treatment. Quintuple the rewards for Naval.

Yes it’s quite an incentive.

Source needed.

Naval is relevant because it is one of the only semi-realistic naval games out there. Way different that World of Warships. The relevenacy has nothing to do with ground, and will never.

Naval gets most of it’s rewards by dealing damage, not staying alive. Like all modes, Naval has time played rewards, nothing different there. Capturing points also gives great rewards when not in active combat. Even with Naval’s HUGE SL costs for repair, the rewards are still very, very good. The RP progression is not slower than ground, I know that because I’ve experienced the grind in all 3 modes for multiple nations to max rank. Ground is the worst grind, not Naval.

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You can see the players searching per game mode ingame.

Simulation is a key point of War Thunder but it doesn’t get players in the door.

If you are dealing damage, you are alive. You are rewarded for long range pestering rather than kills or objectives. It’s like if in Ground RB I was rewarded for shooting tracks / barrels and machine gunning the enemy for hits. I do get rewarded, but it’s not comparable to the reward of a kill.

I disagree on two reasons. It’s much easier to get RP actions in Ground. It’s much easier to find games in Ground. The second isn’t a specific thing Gaijin can tweak. The first is.

He is starting to grind naval to get a rank 3 for the event so he wants x5 rp in order to get there quickly. Disregard any other argument he may throw out.

If I wanted to get to Rank III Naval quickly I’d just use Sqaudron vehicles lol

Does “skill bonus” count for that?

Naval skill bonus is tied to damage dealt it’s also hilariously high requirements but that’s probably much easier to hit at higher levels.

I personally find it much easier to get a lot of damage dealt at the lower ranks.

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