The return of the Tiger 2 10.5cm

Why did they decide it’s a good idea to place it higher than the regular Tiger 2 if it’s worse than it? I don’t have the 105 but I see the gun is something the T29’s equivalent.

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There are a couple reasons.
1: Smaller/older player access leads to less new players using it which will increase its performance.
2: It has a 304mm pen APCR and gaijin loves to take these into their br calculations.
3: Its turret is a bit harder to pen because its gun mantlet is larger.

Its reload is much longer, 12.5sec vs 7.5sec, which will cut back on its gun performance though.

I saw some players doing incredibly well in it in terms of KDR, I still recall seeing this dude having around 1600 kills with only around 300 deaths in his Tiger 105, but he was doing equally good in his other vehicles.

The 105 will, hopefully, force you to play passively which helps with surviving. It is by no means a bad tank but the 88 is much better for most maps.

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We need the Tiger 105 back, NOW!!!


The Japanese gets a bunch of fake vehicles such as the Ho-ri production, and R2Y2s, so we demand these German ‘wunderwaffels’ back!!!1!!!@111

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Fixed it for you.


It could returned as part of an event along with the Coelian (like Maus) but no Panther II tho. But as for returning to the tech tree i don’t think German tt needed it that badly considering the 7.0-7.3 lineup are practically gone now and it isn’t worth uptiering the 6.7 lineup to 7.0 just for a worse Tiger II (H).

but the nvd is historical with it appearing on the panther G and mostlikly if the F was finished it too

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Gaijin can try to remove the R2Y2s but just saying their office might catch fire in hungary if they do that

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Mods kill this guy with hammers, Japan needs vehicles, Germany doesnt, theres already a full German tree

@iAquax6506 There is a difference between proposed and built. The 10.5 was indeed proposed however it was never built.

The Ho-Ri 105 for the Prototype was already in the testing trials, the Chi-Ri hull existed already. There is also a lot more evidence proving its existence aside from the paper plans and wooden scale mockup.
The Panther II and Tiger 10.5 were never built therefore can stay out.

Just like the built Type-4 Chi-To’s. The Ho-Ri’s production model which mostly is fake and heavily based on reality isn’t at all far fetch to assume is what the design would look like which is slightly thicker armor and a slight improvement of the 2 pieces of metal to protect the slits near the driver slits from debris or MG fire potentially ricochetting into it.

The R2Y2’s V1 was the only one that had some info to back its existence. One is the R2Y1.
However, Said the V2 and V3 are fantasies made by an artist that no one remembers from the past as Japan’s options for Jets were very limited which would have left a giant empty gap had nothing been added.

You realize that the hulls of the Tiger II 105 and Panther II were made too, right? Tiger II 105 would just be the Tiger II hull and the Panther II had its hull made. It is in a museum. By your logic that the Chi-To is not a far stretch, the Tiger II 105 and Panther II (as they were implemented) would be acceptable.

Unfortunately, those likely will not be added back, apart from the Panther II in a much weaker form. I think things like the Jagdtiger or Panther with the GT 101 gas turbine engines would be more likely to be added. Plus, those at least saw a prototype made.

In which world? It has more armor on the super structure than the Tiger II H and a better RoF.
A lot of guns are not going through the front and with the layout it can survive many penetrating shots.

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The RL Panther II has nothing to do with the Panther II we have in-game.
The only thing they have in common are the armor values for the hull.

Gaijin took a Panther F turret, put in a KwK 43, which was also proposed as future upgrade for the Panther, and put it on their fictional Panther II hull and gave it the HL 234 engine.

The Panther II was just a project that never resultet in an actual vehicle, while 105mm Tiger II and 88mm for the Panther F were proposals for already existing vehicles.

The 105mm was rejected due to various reasons and a KwK 43 inside the Panther F turret would have made it incredible difficult to reload the gun, which wouldn’t have accomplished a lot.

Future plans for German tanks involved upgrading to the HL 234 engine for better mobiltiy, an autoloader and stabilized sights for the Panther F and a rangefinder for the Tiger II H.

it’s amazing how something somewhat flyable can set 12 world records

According to who, the Russians? Worthless propaganda.


Clearly it has the hull, so it does have something to do with the Panther II we got. I will have to look more into the proposals for armament upgrades. I just wish the E-75 was more than a vague design (perhaps it was just burnt before being captured) as that would have improved the armor, engine and other characteristics over the Tiger II. Really just wish there was a plan to give the Tiger II H more than 185mm frontal armor as that is really flimsy in Warthunder. On the point of fitting a 88mm KwK 43 in a Panther turret, I refuse to believe it was impossible considering the T-44-122 and many other Soviet tanks. Not saying it was done, just saying it is not impossible.

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Except the real life Panther II then has a weaker engine and different transmission compared to the in game one.

Like @KillaKiwi said, only the armor values themselves match.

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