I have noticed that there are a lot of posts involving the issue majority of players have with CAS in Realistic Ground Battles. While I do believe that there should be a slight rebalancing fix to the issue I think the majority of the problem falls onto the people that solely play Ground. I used to agree with he people who said that CAS should be removed from ground battles but as time went along I realized the main issue was the fact that it is extremely rare to find someone who wants to play SPAA these days. When I say “play SPAA” I mean someone who actively looks for air targets to destroy like they are supposed to. Most SPAA players I have come across seem to act more as Medium or Light tanks rather than do their job of destroying CAS. How can we fault CAS players for the issue of being “overpowered” and “unstoppable” if there is noone who wants to actively destroy them? Perhaps instead of nerfing CAS into the ground completely, Gaijin could instead up the reward a little for destroying air targets when in an SPAA vehicle. I feel like that would make those who play SPAA actually attempt to do their jobs.
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