The radar of N001, N001VEP AND N011M BARS are incorrect

The radar ranges of the Su 27(N001 myech), Su 27sm(N001VEP) and Su30sm((N011M Bard) which is being added) are incorrect. The N001 radar has a range of 100km for the 1m² rcs instead of 80km, the N001VEP has a range of 137-150km for the 1m² rcs instead of 100km and the N011M Bars has a range of 217km for the 1m² rcs instead of 120km… in the case of the Su30sm, gaijin put the data of the Bars-29, which has 120km, instead of the N011M Bars.

in this article link, there are Russian sources in the footer, from where the information was taken

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Remember 1 NM = ~1.8km

@Stona_WT please look it