The R-77 is terribly bad on its combat rating

Wait aren’t you admitting that Flanker complainers have skill issue?

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You say the Flanker is good if you play good. People who complain that the Flanker sucks therefore suck at the game.

This is the same logic as Warthunder youtuber playing a shit plane and still do insanely good.

Hey man your words not mine

If so, then it’s not even about the plane that we can talk about, but about its missiles. The plane is good, there’s nothing to say. But the R-77s that stand on it are already essentially useless, because there is the R-27ER

Skill is a subjective opinion. And in comparing the characteristics of the aircraft, you can understand what is better and what is worse

Both are good. Both compliment each other.

I’m talking about the fact that the R-27ER can completely replace the R-77, this only means that like the FOX-3, the R-77 are not very useful and there is no sense from them in the game as from missiles 13 BR and above

So the R-77 is not an opponent of the AIM-120. especially when you consider which BR they are on

I don’t mean to be rude but please read my comment thoroughly before responding.


Therefore, the meaning of the R-77 is lost, because they can only be used effectively at close range. AIM-120, in turn, are almost equally effective as any distance (in general, if you miss some points). I understand your point of view, but I want to say that the P-77 in the form that we use it now is terrible. ARH missiles are needed in the game so that it would be possible to launch them from a long distance, and not be content with the fact that they are effective at short range, but let’s remember that the R-77 can be launched only two pieces at a time. And if you want to fly away calmly at 90 so that the R-27ER does not go astray, then you need to take the target into a hard lock (we call it like that “жесткий лок с помощью СНП/СНП ППС”)

The AMRAAM is not as good as the R-77 at close range (it does not maneuver nearly as good), and its not as good as the R-27ER at long range especially if the R-27ER is manually lofted.

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Maybe we don’t understand each other right now (translation and all that)

I understand this, but here’s the problem, the AIM-120 is a more versatile version of APH missiles, has a longer actual range (let me remind you that NATO aircraft have better radar), and has the ability to launch up to 8 missiles at a time at a long range. Also, NATO aircraft can take AIM-9M (I don’t remember exactly), which are not bad in close combat, if I’m not mistaken. So it turns out that in order for the Su-27SM to be compared with, for example, the F-15, you need to take a bunch of R-27ER and R-77, and in turn the F-15 can (with proper skill) take one AIM-120 and launch at least all 8 at once, one after the other or by two at a time. So it turns out that we are limited to the R-77 and R-27ER more than the AIM-120 (I hope I translated it correctly)

I’m not debating this. Yes the AMRAAM is 100% better than the R-77, but again the R-77 is not a bad missile. I’m not against any buffs that may come to the R-77.

They’re good but I don’t know what point you’re trying to get across here.

And…? Are you assuming that the Su-27SM can’t do anything? Again the R-27ER has a longer range than the AMRAAM especially when manually lofted.

I think the language barrier makes it so that we can’t get our point across to one another. So lets just leave it for now.

I agree, perhaps yes, we misunderstand each other a little bit in some points. But as for the changes, I understand you perfectly well, you are used to playing the Su-27SM the way you love it, I will not belittle it in any way and say that this is not allowed or something, I want to say that you are apparently a good player, because you have found a clear application even for such missiles.

Thank you man. Don’t worry, despite the way I respond, I still want the Su-27SM get buffed and get its proper flight characteristics and buff the R-77.

If you are low and slow R-77 may not reach 15km but at the same time it can reach out to even cold targets at 15km. Your radar tells you how far your selected missile will go and have a good probability of kill. If you pay attention to that your missiles will reach their targets more often than not which will yield greater results. I have about 40-50% success with R-77 at BVR which is somewhat similar to aim-120 in my experience.

Spoken like someone who hasn’t tried. What happens is you die since the SPAMRAAM slingers go defensive while their SPAMRAAM is still homing in on you.