The R-77 is terribly bad on its combat rating

And if they go defensive, its pretty obvious at what point your missile is going to fail so you defend as well? Really its not that difficult a puzzle to solve. Generally the defend either right as their missile goes active or as soon as you shoot in return. In either case defeating their missile and getting back on target is the same thing they are doing.

I can’t believe people are ACTUALLY debating the usefulness of a Fox-3 vs a Fox-1. Clown world.

Just the story of these kinds of threads. Just ignore the objectively inferior missiles, inferior avionics, inferior ACM ranges, and inferior flight models that the russians are saddled with. None of that matters and their stuff is actually a fair opponent for the F-15’s because of some swell anecdotes of times that things worked out well for you or your clubbed some seal who bombed his way to top tier without learning how to fly.


More like the R-27ER vs Fox 3s because the ER is the only Fox 1 that can actually almost challenge Fox 3s.

I don’t think anyone has actually said that the F-15C and Su-27SM are equal planes. Just that the Su-27SM is not a shit plane and that’s it.

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The only thing holding the R-27ER back is the radars its attached to. Couple it with a western radar and there is a fair case to take more ERs than R-77s

Huh, game have same seekers for all “advanced” FOX-3 AAMs, except AIM-120C-5(not on planes yet)

Religion doesnt allow you to go defensive? Or what blocks it from you?

Not terrible as i deleted all from my loadout to replace with r27 et & r73. Su 27 is unplayable on flat map.