The R-77 'ADDER' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

That is my analysis of in game performance right now. (It’s garbage) and needs buffs.

I hit the post button before finishing my edits, post is now corrected.


Im talking about before FOX-3

No, even now the AIM-7F is still overperforming in total impulse and range in various scenarios.

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R-77 (along side the MICA and other new FOX-3, except the 120) got a hefty buff.
A reduction in drag:
A increase to loft (to around dev values):
Also, there is a new piece of code, "timeTableCorrection".

This all should go live probably tomorrow or the day after.

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Could you tell the drag value of Aim-120A/B as well please? For comparison with R-77

What’s the new drag of R-77 and Aim-120?

They got slightly higher now:

A/B are the same

Comparing just the values is mostly pointless, as there are a lot more variable that go into the missile’s drag. So it is only ever useful to compare the drag values when everything else about the missile is the same.
But if you really need to:
AIM-120A/B "CxK" = 1.4 → 1.425
R-77 "CxK" = 1.85 → 1.7

Unfortunately the AMRAAM and AAM-4 are still miles ahead of the R-77 it seems.

Just as I thought, lol. And the absolute worst radar at top tier on Su-27SM, coupled with insane speed loss when trying to notch will mean that it’s still bottom of the barrel, the worst at top tier along with J-11

Btw, loft make it better at ranges

The Su-27SM is not bottom of the barrel. The ER is still pretty good.

İt is bottom of the barrell. You will not win against F-15C who just keeps distance. You have to keep lock, and this isn’t the radar of Mig-29SMT with 90* lock capability

He has: better radar, better acceleration, better energy retention, more countermeasures for chaff spamming, better ARH AİM-120.

You have: R-27ER? lol

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AAM-4 & PL-12 better than amraam in maneuvr, but some(little difference) worser than amraam by kinetics

AAM-4 got a massive buff in thrust so in relevant ranges the AAM-4 is superior to the AMRAAM.

Yes, but depends on alt
In wt ranges amraam will be better.
But aam4 better at high alts

Could you link the changes?

I think you’re overly underestimating the R-27ER. I’ve hit 70km shots with that missile using the stealth tactic.


İ can hit at 100 Km Vs clueless people who grinded with F-4S bombing that are flying straight in F-16C, it doesn’t mean you will beat an actual player.

İn all the matches I played F-15C, I always climb 7-8K kilometres, and never died to R-27ER at long range. Only Su-27 that I didn’t see and fired from <10KM R-27ER

Video of comparing will be better

Good stuff