The R-77 'ADDER' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

I think the target shown is much lower altitude, but likely also going much slower since we have no closing velocity indicator.

Either way, all this seems reasonable regardless, and yeah I think the R77 is going to use its longer time to extend its maximum range rather than shorten time-to-target, because odds are the target is going to go evasive at some point and that seems like the kind of thing they would account for, since their tactics are to do the same thing

It is hard to tell for sure, we will have to continue testing as more information rolls in. If the target is indeed much lower altitude I doubt the R-77-1 would have felt the need to loft so high up though.

That’s why I assume it’s going slower,
The target blip looks to be rather low in the horizon, but its hard to tell how much so

It makes sense to me that it would want to extend its range to the maximum regardless, and dive on the target from high alt in case they turn away, but I dunno

(Also can I steal that mission file?)

It’s got a number of other creators components I need to credit. The Rafale isn’t mine, the AMRAAM is an AIM-120C model from another… the only thing I did was create a custom missile file for the AIM-120A using the known public data I’ve found and attached in the sources section of my other thread.

I thought the target blip was something else as well.

Seems the R-27ER in the same scenario I did the AIM-120 test can hit target in 52s.

If this is true, the gap in performance with AIM-120A and R-27ER is still so large that I honestly think it’s a good tradeoff to carry some R-27ER vs early R-77. The ER will reach the amraam slinging target before he can go full cold. AIM-120A will not be within active range at that point if launched under these conditions by the time the ER reaches him.

And if you are using Su-27, you can launch R-27ER at two separate targets simultaneously.

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huh, neat

Also yeah that makes sense to me, there has to be a reason why the ER is still around, and it gives some neat counterplay. Though if they implement R27ER multitrack the same way its currently implemented for the phoenixes, I expect it to be nearly useless but still a fun addition

Edit: now I wanna see the phoenix XD


Would be more akin to providing interrupted STT between two targets. I suspect the Su-27 radar would have to have a period wherein it stays locked on one of the targets long enough for terminal guidance of the first missile before then locking the second target for some time as well to allow higher chance of hit. Would be more of a bomber-hunting mode I think than going after evasive fighter sized targets.

Makes sense, the guidance computer should have an estimate of time to impact of each missile via datalink, and be able to illuminate the tracks during TWS phases assuming they’re don’t both have a similar time to impact

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You can’t. Su-27 wss planned to get radar with vertical electrical beam steering, that would allow simultaneous attack of 2 targets, but this radar didn’t work properly and was rejected. Su-27’s radar is unified with MiG-29’s radar and in many ways is similar to it.


Its loadout indication. Number of pylons 10 1 2 9



Yes. It just shows available and selected weapon. Same thing has MiG-29 in HUD in game.

That what i know
Безымянный (2)

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Depends on the Su-27 model, no?

Well, Su-27SM(2,3) with N001VEP can attack 2 targets simultaneously, but not stated if you can with SARH, so I’m not sure. Probably same as F-14 only ARH, as I didn’t see any mention it getting electric steering.


Okay looking again, its rather confusing.

1st, I’m still pretty sure this is a target blip


when the LA text briefly dissapears it does this:
Then he fires and it does this:
(Also i’m pretty sure that is their version of the ‘Shoot!’ indicator)

Unknown boxed values:


I can’t explain why the boxed altitude and airspeed indicators change so significantly when he fires though, it would seem like he is shooting at several targets at varying altitudes but only one blip is present, also when it shifts to 8000 from 2000 on the top right indicator, the missile’s range indicators/time to target don’t change with it, I would expect them to change a fair bit if their target’s closing speed is 400kph slower and they’re 6km lower.

Additionally, each missile appears to be tracking toward that 1 blip:


Missile 1
Missile 2
Missile 3

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Ok, so here’s some more shitty math.


Launch speed: 1200kph
Target speed: 890 kph, direct head-on (not accuate but ~close enough)
Time to impact: 80s
Distance to target at launch: 60km
Target alt 2100m

Over 80s time of flight, target will travel 19.7km

So over 80 seconds, the missile will travel 40.22 km

33.34km over 80 seconds = an average speed of 0.50275 km per second

0.50275 km per second = 1800.3 kph

So an average speed of 1809.9 kph or about mach 1.6 at 10km

For reference, I get an average speed of 2954 kph when comparing to that R27 test (Mach 2.74)
And that AMRAAM I get an average speed of 1945 kph (Mach 1.42)
This seems… actually somewhat similar to the initial estimate and with the added context of AMRAAM, much more reasonable?
All mach values @ 10km

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It is possible that after he fires it goes to a second target he selected. Selects multiple targets, after firing the first R-77 it automatically switches to the second for the next launch.

For me it’s pretty clear there was only 1 target, that sukhoi tracks for whole video

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I’m only making suggestions, but not sure how else to indicate that the target information so wildly varies throughout the video?

its possible it was displaying some kind of autopilot info since the HUD is in NAV mode, then when the missile is fired it switches to target info?