It is possible that after he fires it goes to a second target he selected. Selects multiple targets, after firing the first R-77 it automatically switches to the second for the next launch.
For me it’s pretty clear there was only 1 target, that sukhoi tracks for whole video
I’m only making suggestions, but not sure how else to indicate that the target information so wildly varies throughout the video?
its possible it was displaying some kind of autopilot info since the HUD is in NAV mode, then when the missile is fired it switches to target info?
I think target information would be more important to display, but that’s me I guess.
So the only numbers that vary on HUD in video:
It should be speed that was set by pilot to autopilot for plane to reach
If it’s target altitude, than most likely it’s calculated not by aircraft, but by awacs or ground command post (like it works in MiG-29). Looks like altitude at first was own altitude of aircraft for some reason given by command post/awacs as it’s literally the same altitude as aircraft’s shown bellow.
I’m glad you’re able to help us figure this out. Are you able to put more simply the conditions so I may test this with a custom mission?
for first video
- altitude ~10500 m
- true airspeed ~1200 km/h (1.1M)
- speed unknown
- altitude ~2500-2600 m
- range to target ~60 km
- max lauch range in curent conditions ~65 km
1st target
- altitude 10500
- speed 1100
- range 60
second target speed 890 km/h
- altitude 2500-2600 m
- range to target 60 km
Need more context, or something to show where the information is being pulled. Although I can set up a test for both scenarios and see what makes sense.
There wasn’t any second target. We clearly see only one mark of target. Second altitude at first was duplicate of Su-35’s altitude. And only speeds shown on HUD are current speed and set speed.
Gonna go with this until I see some sort of response suggesting otherwise. Will make a scenario and test.
Can you cover the second video then as well?
In the case of the 2550m altitude target, using my AIM-120A/B model…
The time to target is approximately 74s assuming the MiG-29 keeps 1100 - 1200 km/h heading towards Su-27 directly head-on. This is obviously unlikely, the target would obviously defend and was not flying directly head-on to begin with…
It will be very difficult to recreate the scenario without more information unfortunately.
0.95M on 12600-12800m altitude at range to target of 80km with max launch range of 90km in current conditions, target altitude is out of the image.
Su-35s hud neither shows target speed nor altitude. It shows to what altitude should the plane be flown and with what speed
Target info is shown on MFDs
I don’t think so. The HUD is not in navigation mode (in that mode it would show flight info) but in BVR mode. You can clearly see that the number above the su-35 speed and altitude change throught the video, if it was navigational info it would stay the same. Also the number over the altitude indication change during the time the missiles are fired. This can be the su-35 pilot switching the target he is shotting at (it goes from 10km to 2000m instantly).
We should focus on collecting more “real” data and information on the R-77 series missiles, I think we may not be able to find a definitive conclusion to the aforementioned footage.
As an example of some of the information we are looking for, I’d like to find enough with sources (two credible secondary sources or one primary) to make a statcard image like the one I did for the AMRAAM thread.