The R-77 'ADDER' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

Okay well I’m done here. Clearly you are not going to share your stuff no matter what, so w/e.


What were the values of the R-27 you modified? I copied flareflos missile formula and could make some graphs of it.

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Remind me and tonight I’ll share a couple of variations for you to test.

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Who knows how to connect a non-professional GPU to calculations in Ansys 2023R1?

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In-game R-77 appears almost identical to my model, but the in-game value has ~10 more m/s deltaV due to them rounding up to 23,000 newtons of thrust flat.

I estimated a CxK value of 2.3 - 3.3 and in-game it is 1.85. This is a much more realistic value imo, but I gave the naysayers too much benefit of the doubt and increased the drag much too high for my model. The performance will be much better than the AIM-120 imo, especially as they have modeled it with lofting.


Relative to in game or expected values?

Is there solid evidence enough to report this? Or do we wonder if this is a -1 in disguise

Both, my models were overly favorable towards the AIM-120 and overly doubtful for the R-77, though in regards to my estimates. In-game the R-77 is clearly superior imo.

Someone said the model is the R-77-1 but the data is Representative of the standard R-77 / RVV-AE models. The drag is lower, which may indicate some hybrid between the longer body of the -1 and the motor of the standard R-77.

As it stands yes because R-77 potentially incorrectly lofts and AIM-120 underperforms significantly in a few areas.

As stated earlier, the R-77 was superior with higher drag and no lofting from my models as well.

By visual model it’s R-77-1


Then it should have improved motor and seeker, lofting is accurate for R-77-1.

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Then it should also have accurate naming too, lol. If it was officially acknowledged to be R-77-1, then a vast majority of the community would want to have AIM-120C-5 (whatever variant got a motor upgrade).


All ARHs look pretty much like c&p of each other, especially seekers and controls parameters. This test feels more like for gameplay testing rather than missiles tests themselves.

Yeah Derby, R darter and MICA all have the same visual model of AIM 120

Maybe just a hint that more modern variants might come, who knows. Maybe they accidentally swapped the mesh.

Well, high off boresight capabilities are gimped, R-77 should be capable to be launched at least up to 90° on side

in game




currently the AIM-120A feels much better than the R-77, maybe you’re coping?


That’s really not an achievement since all of the missiles climb up to 50kft and then drop like bricks if shot at 20mi+