The possibility of selecting the spawn point of the aircraft in the TRB

I’m sure many pilots don’t really like spawning 15 km from the battlefield all the time, I suggest making a second spawn like helicopters, but placing it 5-6 km from the battlefield so that the prepared vehicles can engage in battle after a short period of time, this will increase the dynamics of the battle and will not give AA (like the Pantsir-S1) relax by killing pilots for more than 10 km

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I don’t think Planes should spawn any closer in most cases as it only makes it easier to revenge bomb.

Minor exception would be prop planes in get matched into battles with jet spawns, these could spawn a bit closer

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Dont need to move the spawn point closer, need to create an additional spawn point for the convenience of aircraft. This will increase the variability in gameplay and make the game more difficult for OP anti-aircraft

They should spawn further. Like 30 km’s

No, we don’t need even faster revenge bombings. Just don’t. And vast majority of SPAAs aren’t OP by any means.

Only exception previously mentioned are props in Jet spawn matchmaking as these take much, much longer to reach the battlefield than they should

11.7+ planes could spawn this far and it would probably be better for them as well, as they wouldn’t spawn within Pantsir’s range

revenge bombing is really just a sad CAS hater cope. The only time people care to revenge bomb is if you’re doing something scummy like camping or playing an OP tank.

No, it is not. Any half decent player dies from revenge CAS 75% of time when they get bombed.

This is a real issue, not an imaginary CAS hater concept

No it is simply sad lies and cope. You’re not even a “half decent” player if most of your deaths to CAS are from revenge bombing.

No, it isn’t necesarilly cope. It’s just the more people you kill the higher your chances are of getting revenge CASed. The truth is that unless you have a top mounted HMG you can do nothing to stop a plane from revenge bombing you. Only way to avoid it is quickly relocating, which also cannot be done in slower vehicles.

Revenge bombing exists and you can’t argue with that. Also i belive that with over 2 K/D from last month i do count as a half decent player that is definitely above average.

I know how to avoid CAS in general, as i use it a lot myself. That’s why most of my CAS deaths are revenge bombs, as these are unavoidable most of the time.

Again, i am not a CAS hater at all as i do have at least 1, and very often 2 CAS planes in each of my GRB lineups. Current distance from plane spawn to ground battlefield is just enough on most BRs and is a decent compromise that allows quicker vehicles to relacte befre getting revenge CASed and allows planes to reach battlefield fairly easly as well

It’s just that camping in one spawn whole game gets you bombed lmao. They’re not unavoidable deaths, you just don’t know how to. Ya know, you’d think there would be some sort of evidence to support your claim that most of death from CAS are revenge bombings.

You know, how am i suposed to give you a proof? Send you 100 replays? How would you know i am not cherry picking?

As i am a heavy tank enthusiast i can say with a fair bit of confidence that i am as far as you can get from a person that runs around the map to camp spawn in the 3rd minute of the game, or a type of guy who sits 2km from battlefield in some wierd position getting easy side shots across the map.

If i was, i wouldn’t play a Sherman Jumbo for example to do that.

If enemy CAS player is determined to kill you, and just you, he will do it. There is nothing you can do. Some of your team can stop it, but you, yourself can’t.

There is no skill issue involved in me not being able to dodge a 500kg bomb coming at me in a KV-1.

Whether you like it or not revenge CAS is a problem. Just because you do it in only certain scenarios, doesn’t mean other players don’t do it purely out of spite.

A tank that has a .50cal on it’s roof specifically designed for shooting down aircraft.

This is seriously skill issue. You can shoot him down, stay near dead bodies or large objects, don’t camp or drive in the middle of an open field, etc. You’re not helpless, you just don’t want to learn how to counter CAS.

Yes revenge CAS is a problem. A bigger problem is you trying to lie about it to cope with your own skill issue.

Which i did use to shoot down a tone of aircraft? yeah. But still some of them will break through and drop the bomb before you kill them, or do it while dying. This could partially be atributed to my non-perfect aim, but come on i don’t belive you would kill an aircraft charing you 10 times out of 10 either. If he is smart he can also turn off his engine while diving and you won’t even realize until it’s too late when you are focused at fighting with other tanks. Sherman Jumbo is also not the only tank i play and not evry tank has a privilage of having a top mounted HMG i’ve spoke off earlier.

This is not a skill issue. Ideas to avoid CAS you spoke off work for CAS in general and that’s what i do most of the time. But for a revenge CAS that knows exactly where you were like 30-40 seconds ago it’s not that big of a problem.

And i am helpless in many vehicles. I use CAS myself and counter it very often, but with things that are designed to counter it, like SPAA or a fighter aircraft, not a KV-1 tank.

Revenge CAS is a problem, you’ve finally admited it. And that’s exactly why making planes spawn closer just to make it even bigger of a problem is stupid.

And i believe i have sadly nothing to cope about. When i get revenge killed i just jump into a fighter and let the guy taste his own medicine. It’s funny how he very often has nothing else to spawn into later on and just quits a match helping my team in the end. It’s just that i still lost my tank i could’ve done much more in, because of spite of some random guy and i don’t necesarilly like that.

It’s not happening very often, sure, i die to CAS rarely in general. I probably experience it once per like 10-15 games, but it’s not about how often does it happen, but the fact that it happens at all.

do something like if top speed under 500 mph then do close spawn, or else far spawn

This is more or less what i try to propose for Prop aircraft that get matched into Jet airspawns. This makes sense, unlike giving all planes universally closer spawn, that is just idiotic

Wow what a surprise, aircraft aren’t just unconditionally 100% free kills in a multiplayer PVP game.
If CAS knows exactly where you were 60 seconds ago then that shouldn’t matter, unless you just camp whole game.

And many vehicles are helpless against a Kv-1, that’s how heavy tanks work dummy.

finally admitted it? we all knew revenge CAS is problematic. But thanks for admitting your lies, cope, and skill issue are an even bigger problem.

You’ve been complaining this whole time about revenge CAS XD.

Waa waaa I died to a plane in a combined arms game nerf immediatly

Lmao “the fact that it happens at all” is one of the lamest things I’ve ever seen som1 say.


KV-1 is really easy to destroy frontally.

Yeah, they aren’t, which is fine? This is not a problem in itself. But it doesn influence another problem which is revenge CAS and does influence you being more or less helpless against it.

No, they aren’t. In tank to tank combat most tanks get more or less equal chances against each other. Heavy tanks have a bit of an edge at close ranges, but on the other hand they aren’t so good in other scenarios. Just play around your strenghts lol and don’t face a KV-1 frontally if you are equipped with some low caliber gun that can’t pen it. It’s not like this is a common situation at that BR anyway.

I haven’t admited to any lies, because i didn’t lie. Revenge CAS is a problem and you admited it yourself as well.

I didn’t complain about revenge CAS, but only mention how the idea from Original Post would only increase this already significant problem, which you, yourself admited it is.

Just dying to a plane that spotted you himself among tens of other targets around is frustrating, but understandable. You aren’t powerless against it, you can try to hide, stick to building etc.

Dying to revenge CAS is not the same thing. He precisely knows where you are, he knows what tank you are and you don’t even have a minute to move away, while he can cover half of a map with his sight. Sometimes you can’t even move as you may be pre-aimed by some enemies or your track can be broken.

Also it’s bold of you to assume that it will take as much as 60 seconds for revenge CAS to reach you, especially on mid tiers i happen to play the most. Late props on prop spawns can easly reach the battlefield in more or less 30 seconds.

As I’ve said, as much as current system allows for revenge CAS, this is a fairly decent compromise. There are many cases where you are helpless against it, but at least it doesn’t happen too often.

But i don’t think you need to be the smartest person in the world to realize that by reducing the time a plane needs to reach a battlefield it will only increase the number of such situtaions by making it even easier to pull off than it already is.

Oh really? I couldn’t care less

And i am not going to participate in this conversation any further. There is nothing more to talk about here. You admited revenge CAS is an issue, so would do anyone with even a slightest bit of knowledge about the game. Anything that would make it even more of a common occurence is out of question and i believe most GRB players would agree with me on that. This in itself closes the whole topic of this conversation

I sure do love fighting Kv-1s in stuarts, crusaders, M15s, AB43s, heck even things like the Sherman or Puma tend to struggle against Kv-1.


Then what’s the problem?

I don’t think you need to be smart to realize making people wait in slow planes for 0 reason is just bad.

Lol you seriously think me “admiTtINg” something is a talking point? That’s honestly really sad.