Not to mention, the Maus still has access to the experimental PzGr. TS round allows it to snipe with the 128mm and frontally penetrate other 7.7 heavies at mid-close ranges via lower front plates, driver ports and gun mantlets with 300mm of raw flat penetration.
I would just say the Maus is not “un-balanceable”, as it it can already fight a huge amount of guns that can pen it frontally, even in downtiers. A huge amount of HEAT, some APDS, and some AP that can do it used carefully. If HVAP was not awful, it would be just another thing useful against Maus. You can even one shot it with a decent sized artillery shell, available in every TT at or below the same BR as Maus. And then of course, by simply dropping a 500lb bomb, you can invalidate every armor advantage the Maus has and send it back to God.
Moving it down, still, would be a hard sell to players that don’t seem to realize how easy Maus is to defeat. But it does get absolutely clobbered by 8.7 and to a lesser extent, 8.3 matches.
Insert sad FCM2C noise
(The FCM is between 10 and 20 years younger than the Matilda, it would be the Maus of the very very low Br, since it would be alone)
Would have the A1E1 Independent. Difference is only a few years I think.
The first prototype of the A1E1 was delivered in 1926 while the FCM2C entered service in 1921.That’s still a 5 year difference. Knowing that the version of the Independent in the game looks more like the 1928 version, that’s 7 years apart
Make better bait threads
With all the powerful HE SPG nowadays who can onetap the Maus with ease, it sure feels overtiered.
Idk, probably the bonkers armor values?
(Nice rage bait btw)
it should be BR 5.7 for just an April fools thing
At minimum, you need 180mm of penetration to even damage the Maus, and 220mm+ to pen the turret cheek.
That is, with armor piercing rounds. You need like 50mm+ with HE on the roof.
Be healthy, the author needs to get out of the house, walk and breathe, maybe he will recover
Although it is not surprising to see this topic from @live…
I haven’t seen the Maus available in the tech-tree. Is it because I’m on console?
Once a year (at least until now), around october 30, for about one week you get the ability to START researching the maus. This coincides with warthunder’s birthday.
If you did not play or have the ability to begin to research it (rank 5 germany unlocked - so 5 rank 4 german ground vehicles), you’re out of luck.
If you did get to play and invest at least 1 RP, you’ve unlocked it forever even if you failed to get the full research done during the event.
Exactly, Maus can do great, but it really is not the Juggernaut people treat it as. Tanks with more armor and better mobility exist at its own BR.
Better mobility, certainly, but I severely doubt there’s anything even remotely close to more armored.
E100 enters the chat
They balance vehicles based on their performance, the protection and ammunition also comes into play, Maus is a pretty tough nut to crack during a full downtier. Object 279 is 1959 and it previously face something the likes of PUMA which is a 2010 before it got moved up to 10.3 lol
Okay, there is one tank that you will never see that has slightly more armor.