The P-47N DESERVES to have it's minimum fuel load reduced down to 20 minutes

As is described above, the P-47Ns fuel load is way too high, and with Gaijin removing over 1000lbs from the aircraft, they decided to ‘balance’ it by making it go from 35 minutes of fuel to almost an hour now. This is utterly insane with how much they seem to hate this plane with an utter passion.

Testing the aircraft in test flight mode, and then reducing the fuel load down to 20 minutes, the performance of the aircraft is utterly amazing and it’s been hampered due to gaijin’s near maliciousness on the aircraft. You’d believe with the extra weight the aircraft had it, naturally, would be more sluggish, but I’d say it’s the opposite, it’s turns and performs amazingly to the point that on landing flaps the plane just refuses to nearly stall. It’s still not the fastest climbing aircraft, getting me to 6000 meters while holding 290kmh at around 5 minutes, but it’s performance and how quickly it accelerates, and how it just hangs around makes me think definitely they should reduce the minimum fuel load on a fighter to 20 minutes or the same as the D-28’s fuel load instead of the fuel load of a bomber.
Vote below if you think it deserves a proper fuel load.

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This is a discussion, not a suggestion, so voting doesn’t make a difference.


Eh, it’s late. I’ll write up a suggestion later, I didn’t expect it really to do anything, but what people think

I haven’t tried the P-47N much, but I have the premium P-47M, and the performance is night and day. And its sad that both P-47M’s in game, identical to each other in every way, are limited time premiums! They could’ve made one TT and the other premium, but they’re both premium with limited availability? And the N is nowhere near good enough to be a TT equivalent to the M… its something I never understood

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You know it’s the same with aircraft like the P-51 with 31min of fuel

That fuel load has always been like that. They didn’t change it.

So much so that minimum fuel in planes is always 30% of the maximum fuel load. That is simply how it works. The P-47N inherently carries more fuel as that was one of the reasons why that modification exists, so the minimum fuel load is also therefore larger.

Edit: I’ve checked, the changes that have happened are the engine fuel consumption, due to changes in the horsepower, but the fuel mass has remained the exact same, for at least 4 years.


Then they need to stop giving it %30 minimum fuel. Because it utterly hampers the aircraft to the point that even at 3.7 it would be barely competitive.

The fuel before was at 33 minutes.

I’ve already explained this.


I’ve already explained this.

It gets that fuel load because the P-47N’s tanks are MASSIVE. It was made to have a huge range, and it does - but that’s simply not relevant in WT.

Cool, and the ‘%30 minimum’ stuff is garbage remove it, and instead have blanket equal fuel amounts. Match the timers, not the mass. Fighters shouldn’t be shafted because gaijin goes “Hmmmm. This one needs to suffer because it has bigger fuel tanks”

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At no point gaijin decides that lol. Aircraft designers make their aircraft with more/less fuel to suit whatever they want it to do. That should be represented in-game (and is).

30% minimum is applied to EVERY AIRCRAFT in the game.

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Even worse, you want to make every fighter the same just because whatever plane you’re flying doesn’t behave like you think it should.
I fly aircraft with big fuel loads too, I just play around those weaknesses instead of complaining on the forums. Maybe you should wish for Air RB EC instead so those fuel loads become useful.

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“The plane shouldn’t be made functional! It should only be useful in a gamemode that Gaijin hasn’t had available for years and THEN it can be a viable aircraft!”

“What? The aircraft is completely worthless compared to another variant of the same plane just .3 higher? Bro, just work around the aircraft’s weakness, just ignore the fact that it takes you over 6 minutes to reach 4000 meters and everyone else is already way higher than you or your entire team is dead. You just gotta figure out how to work around it bro.”

Yes, RB enduring confrontation is good, but killing an entire plane and use it a point to argue for a gamemode that Gaijin more than likely won’t add in besides maybe a tease in an event is not a real good one.

It deserves to have its fuel load be 30% of its maximum.


Give explanation why besides “I want a point pinata”

Because it’s the standard minimum fuel load for every aircraft in game


Then it shouldn’t be minimum %30 for every aircraft in the game. Simple as.

match the in game timers, not the mass.

I don’t see how a very long range fighter was ever gonna be relevant in a match with a maximum timer of 25min. And the N just got a huge buff to its flight performance too, it’s now better than ever before.

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