The overtiered AMX-50(TO90/30)

The AMX-50(TO90/30) was previously at 7.7, as a battle pass vehicle. This tank is pretty bad where it is at 8.0, with its only “positives” being its reload speed and agility. I used to play this tank constantly, usually performing very well, with over a 2.0 K/D (when I was much worse at the game.) I came back to this tank recently and over 50 games I have a barely over 1 K/D in it. The gun tops out at 209 millimeters of penetration at 10 meters.This cannot even penetrate the base T-55 at the same BR frontally, especially since the gun is crazily inaccurate and the amount of time it takes to get the gun on target in a full stop. Obviously, it can penetrate some targets, but the fact is it has insanely weak armor along with an insanely weak gun. unbelievable that they were able to justify this change.


Just like any other french tank, its 4s reload makes it extremely annoying to fight. Treat it like the OBJ 906. with No armour (except the AMX50 has armour) and a good reload rate and speed, use it as a flanking tank. Pretty simple.

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They even doubled down on it (and the Char25T) too.

It’s just crazy having them be the same BR as the Obj-906, and only 0.3 lower than the monster called the Turm III.

I also got a temp ban for calling the change a f****** joke when they said that.


It truly is silly. And even more laughable that people try to compare it to the Object 906, which simply has better rounds and a better profile


The AMX-50 has more armor than a Object 906, sure, but what difference does that make at this br? The object 906 has a stabilizer AND a better round than the AMX-50 TO90. So sure, it can be annoying to fight, obviously, but when it isnt faster than any other tanks at the br, it is bound to meet a significantly more armored tank, such as a t-55 which ironically tops out at only 1 kilometer per hour slower than the TO90.


So what BR do you want to put it at?

Both the TO90 and Char25T should be 7.7 until Gaijin decompresses 7.7-9.3 because it’s quite compressed right now.

It deserves to go back to 7.7, where it can compete with the tanks around it

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When it was 7.7 it was OP.
A faster T-54 with a faster gun, faster turret, and as-good round just with slightly less armor.
The later T-54s with better rounds are 8.0 as well, AMX-50 TO90 is balanced at 8.0, as is Batchat.
Now, whether you want Object 906 at 8.3 or not is something else entirely.


But slower turret traverse and less survivability.

My thought process on why the French tanks are overtiered is based simply on the Turm III, and the fact that there should be a 1.0 gap between them.

The Turm 3 should be 8.7, and it has 3 distinct advantages, all worth 0.3 BRs. The stabilizer, 30mm, and the gun upgrade are all worth 0.3 BRs individually, which works out to a 1.0 difference in total.

The Char25t is hilarious at 8.0 because it’s utterly useless in the frontal engagements gaijin forces on you. It can barely pen a Tiger II H frontally, let alone an Obj 122 or any T series tank.

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Being able to pen the enemies it faces, while also having APHE and a stab makes it objectively better.

Batchat fires the same APHE round as American 90mm just out of a longer gun, so it has slightly more pen than the Soviet 100mm APHE round.
People seem to do fine with the T-54s.

I know, but it also lacks overpressure when compared to the 100mm.

But they get APDS or HEAT-FS too, which means they aren’t dead if they meet something head-on. Plus they actually have armour that can resist guns in a downtier.

There just aren’t any excuses for the Char25T to be 0.3 lower than the Turm 3, and the same BR as the obj 406.

Only the 8.0 T-54s get APDS/HEATFS, and that’s made up by the fact they have extremely slow turret & gun traverse on chronically average mobility platforms.

Batchat has light tank benefits which is why it’s easily 8.0.
The fact M24 is still 3.7 when it should be 4.3 with AMX-13 is wild.
Light tanks when of equal gun and more mobility should be higher than their medium/heavy counterparts.
Of course batchat is only marginally more mobile than AMX-50 TO90.

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Except Soviet tanks and a few heavy’s, which tanks can’t you pen with 200mm of penetration?

Mobile vehicles make up penetration by ambushing or out flanking tanks with their better mobility.
That’s like the whole deal with them being 8.0.
When you shoot enemies in the sides with a 4.0s reload, you don’t need that much penetration.
By that logic the ZSU-57 would be unplayable with two 57mm cannons at 7.0.

Using an OP premium as a metric for BR placement is also no valid argument.
Like which 8.0 tank deserves 8.0 compare to the Turm III?

You can penetrate most, but you’ll be required to aim very carefully in order to deal any damage.
M48s and especially M60s are tough to crack for that APHE round. Things get really bad if you encounter stabilized versions of all those mentioned tanks, that sit just a single BR step above.

You have no stabilization and have to pixel hunt, meanwhile they are fully stabilized and can lolpen you.

Seeing how common vehicles like M48/M60/T-series are in this tier, you’ll be facing pretty tough opponents on a very regular basis.

Object 906 doesn’t really need to worry about this as it have full stabilization and a HEAT round.
Full stabilization is a massive advantage on it’s own in this tier.


100 mm APHE rounds don’t overpressure. Not anymore at least.

Overtiered French vehicles? Naaaaah!