It needs to worry not to get shot or .50caled.
Engaging any target from the front is always a bad idea in a light tank.
Since you have no armor you need to rely on mobility and terrain to not get shot.
Any round that isn’t APHE is generally a sidegrade for the performance of a vehicle, since you only going to switch to it in certain situations.
One shotting light or open top vehicles with HE is great but no tank would have their BR changed if they had their HE removed, unless it’s their primary round.
Same deal with HEAT-FS on the Object 906.
Just because you have a round that can penetrate nearly any target doesn’t mean you want to be in a position where you need that kind of penetration.
I do agree with you for .50cals, but AMX is a pretty soft target for any main cannon round at it’s BR, so if you get shot by those things there’s a really big chance you’re getting penned.
906 is smaller and has similar HP/t as AMX, but with higher forward/backward speeds. In my eyes, former wins in the mobility aspect.
I’d argue the total opposite is true.
If you main APHE, you’ll frequently end up against vehicles your rounds will have big issues going through, which paired with no stabilization at all is sub-optimal to say the least.
Having HE as a secondary shell is really nice, but it doesn’t make you kill something you couldn’t kill with your main round in the first place, at least not frontally.
On the other hand, APHE struggles a lot against certain armor and HEAT will basically transform your engagement from pixel hunt to lolpen simulator.
I don’t think that you can always choose your engagements and inevitably you’ll go against “final boss” types of vehicles which will make your life miserable if you’re using APHE.
906 also has a better APHE which is easier to aim due to stabilization.
Honestly I don’t really see the benefits of the AMX that isn’t armor which only works against 50cals and autocannons. Oh and a bit of horizontal traverse speed and a single degree of gun depression.
Well obviously. Also even the best tank can get killed or overwhelmed.
You don’t need to win every fight against every vehicle for a vehicle to be effective.
The performance of a vehicle can also be very map dependent.
But it won’t change that a vehicle can be a lot better in certain situations.
One successful ambush or flank will easily reward you with many kills.
And of course it’s a team game.
Which plays again the you don’t to win a 1 vs. 1 fight, you just need to disable a distracted enemy or help in destroying big threats to you and your team.