The overpowered annoying unfair plane and tank enemy AI in Assault Ground Arcade and possible solutions

Yet more updates, and nothing changed or fixed…


@Smin1080p Sir, Please… It has been Multiple updates now without any notes suggesting even anyone looking into this game mode… it is even worse now than it has been in the past, is there anyone planning on doing anything with this mode? We have made many suggestions and ideas, nobody even responds, it really pains us that nobody can shed light on this and other arcade assault game modes.

Perhaps you could give us an update or info regarding this, please.


This game format is so broken. 5 seconds after spawn the AI has you zeroed in and your dead. if the first one didnt get you the 5 others who are aiming at you will. its so frustrating and reminds me why i never play this mode


Agree with everything said here. This mode needs tweaking badly. I’m usually top on the team Rank III & IV) and my results screen shows 2 wins in 20 games. It’s not like this game mode is dead, I don’t have to wait for more than a min or two on the NA server



Two things they need to fix IMO…

  1. tone down the air attacks. They kill waaaay too many players - I die more from air attacks than I do from tank hits.
    1b) Is it conincidence? Or does the bot AI know which players are in the air and purposely bomb the players tank? EVERY SINGLE time I use air attack my tank is in flames when I return - 99% from bomber.

  2. CHANGE THE SPAWN POINTS. On many maps (like Japan and Ardennes) players are spawned right in front of a wave of tanks. Impossible to move or shoot before you are pegged by one or more of those OP enemies. There are times I’m tempted to just wait until the waves are thinned out before respawning because I know when I press battle I will be dead (again) in 2 seconds.


After Vehicles like Bredley, warrior, RaketenJagdePanzer HOT, m113… Being nerfed for 8.3, I never saw them in PvE again, like Missei HOT 1 against composite armor with explosive reactive armor, it’s surreal.
In my opinion, the PvE Arcade classification should change and be isolated from the rest of the modes

Because someone isn’t spawning a SPAA and/or isn’t good at it.

I do think that they do come after players who attack them, either from a plane or SPAA. But it could just be coincidence.

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As it’s hard for SPAA to earn score in Assault mode there often are not many of them.
And because of the map designs, they die so often - maps like Sinai and Maginot line they are easy targets and do not last long. As they typically end up at bottom of scoring many players do not play them. And the air attacks seem to often outmatch them.
Dying from air attacks significantly more than tank hits in a Tank game seems silly.

As for the getting bombed while using air attack - forgot to mention the rate is about 100%. Almost every single time I go to the air my tank gets hit (by a bomber, not a tank)

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Last game I had fulda with 8.3+ There was 14-16 planes wrecking havocks tiny tims killing tanks going 70 + KM/h and even with with a Spaag and Auto cannon APC’s it was nightmare trying to get a decent game. Sinai itself needs immense rework due map layout is absolutely horrible for Assault Ground Arcade. You die once, its hard to get back in game.

Also number of the AI bots per wave should scale based on initial player number to have some changes regardless of player number.


Another update with no changes made to help this game mode out, and now it is even worse in air assault arcade, we desperately need a BR bracket split as 6.7+ is vastly outdated at this point, and the previous posts regarding issues are still rampant and in fact even worse now than they were before…

The current gameplay in both these game modes is so pathetic that I really do believe there is absolutely no member of the dev team working on this, and by watching other forum posts, it seems this is the new norm to just ignore the community… even though they ‘claim’ to be working with the community.

It would be really great to see some sort of open communication by the mod team at the very least in regards to moving forward in fixing/improving the game modes, but it just feels like nobody cares at all at this point.


Current state of 6.7+ air asasult is 10/10 on the cringemeter. But yeah,why should the devs care…

People may think the devs completely ignore this mode but it is not true. They make it a bit worse and harder at a time, bit by bit, patch by patch. How do you explain the increased activity of AI planes? or the multiple times buffed tank roof machine guns to the point of insanity? As I explained in my posts before and many other people did.

Last patch brough some new nasty stuff, at least that I discovered: the 2 waves of Kpz-70 in Mozdok at 8.3+ now shoot their 20 mm cannons to the sky with aimbot accuracy. Yeah waves with 20-30 deadly SPAA with more than 2 km range that instakill you at the helipad, or if you jumped on a jet charging at altitude and full speed at a MiG-15 you get disintegrated if Gepards don’t blast you first.

The joke continues.


It’s pretty funny when those IS-2s shoot down a B29 that is 1.5 km away… as they shrug off multiple hits from APDS and HeatFS.

Question: do the bots have fully upgraded crews, even at the lower BRs?


no. I measured it in a replay, and it seems that the firing rate remains at the initial level. By the way, I also measured the range of KPZ, and it will be attacked if it is within 3.0km. gaijin is a crazy sadist


I’m relatively new to this (just past the first 100 days) and like playing Ground Assault, but I do share some of the annoyances. Some of the things the bots do would result in an instant ban for actual players. Being shot into the last four ammunition rounds on board while driving at max speed is a bit irritating, or cresting a hill just to be killed.

Heading south on Kursk in a Panther F at full tilt, coming out behind a house and getting an impossible hit to the turret the moment it’s in sight with the tank’s rear end still covered, that’s not funny. (Impossible hit: edge of a turret corner, not sliding off.)

Having a Black Prince round graze one of the ammo drums (on the gun, not in storage) on a Zerstörer 45 and the whole thing blows up, also not exactly funny. Really just a graze as shown in the replay, not shot through. I also have doubts that any AP round would fracture when going through 12 mm of sheet metal.

The spawns, absolutely. Getting killed only to respawn in full view of 10 to 20 enemy tanks is bad enough already, but with five to ten seconds to get behind cover…my personal record for being killed out of respawn is now down to 2 seconds (Ardennes, shot by M26). I thought the previous five and four seconds were bad…

Another thing I’m uncertain about, I call it “the game wasting my time”. I get shot, the gunner takes a nap. I get shot again, the gun is damaged. Next shot, track broken. Next shot, repair counter reset. Then, gunner napping again. After about two minutes of repairing and waiting for crew members to wake up it’s all done, then comes the kill shot.

Yes, a few adjustments would be nice. The stupid trick shots - a moving tank on the northeast corner of the Japan base marking shoots me through the village and all trees while I’m at the southwest corner in the dip. Moving tank shoots me, also moving, through the mantlet’s MG port or the scope, while the bot is rotating the turret without even stopping when it shoots. Ha-ha.

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@Stona_WT @Smin1080p

Here we are again, on the cusp of another major update… and the battle rating looks like it will be increased to now 13.0

With respect to how the issues that have been addressed with regards to these game modes, are we going to see any changes or updates being made to both the ground and air assault modes? Or is this going to just be ignored as it has for a multitude of years now… Would be really great if someone would at least give us any insight as if this is even an active portion of the teams development, as it really feels like it has just been forgotten.


Last time air assault was updated 5 years ago when top BR br for planes was 9.3 i think. Now we have 12.7 4th gen jets but br brackets are still the same as well as maps and bots which are mostly prop bombers. Situation is getting worse with every patch making this gamemode unplayable.

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You just saved me money.

I prefer assault tbh. On air top tier is the easiest tier for the most part.

I had thought about getting a tier 8.3+ tank for fun stomps. Guess not! Good to know.

lol gaijin just doesn’t care which is sad

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They need to fix the target lead indicator for SPAA
M109 and variants, 2S3 and variants all need a bump up in BR by at least 1.3
Planes should not be able to bomb spawn points