The new Official Cinematic trailer is out, lets go through how this is what war thunder should be and not what we currently have.
“Cough, Cough, Advance to the Rhine or other Highly CQB maps, Cough Cough”
So we start off with this shot.
Its what most people would think modern tank battles would look like, A big open map with tanks move spread out to minimize losses from artillery and AT weapons. All great again Definitely not what we see in War thunder currently. Only the Sinai Deserts come close to this. Even then half the map still gets urbanized spawn to spawn almost. The side that claims the town and nearby rocks win by who gets there the quickest. Tides only changing if aircraft take them out.
Anyway moving on.
Then we get a look at a indian T-90? And boy is it cinematic,
Wait hold on.
Are they going to?
OMG, That is a actual high resolution Human!
And That is actually the modeled interface??
WHAT, It locks the tank??
(Next we have yet another, depicture of what tank combat could actually look like. When maps are free and open. And don’t have red death zones or walled off areas)
Next up we have a nice lil taste of what good tank chell vs ERA impact animation would look like. If it was actually in WT
Wow! Actual good Thermite based smoke charges. Wish it looked that good in war thunder. And not just fog teleporting in
Not really relevant to WT, but its cool to see the autoloader doing its thing :3
Next up we have what Air RB stuff should look like. Instead of a moshpit of just F-84s and MIG-15s all dogfighting in a big cluster 15min after spawn.
“OMG HQ HUMAN FACE” -Karnitin75
Another example of a good Air RB mission. And a actual reason to use the AI follow player, that is already in-game For Custom Mission Flights that we can make in the Test drive of vehicles.
Those rockets really aren’t needed, just shoot one round of ur cannon that thing will either be blown to smithereens or have a fire set, that will in a minute rip its wing or tail off. Because that is exactly how fr- HEY get that picture out of here!
(Average effect of a stray round of 20mm of Minengechots, on the mid section of a B-29)
This is a entirely impossible thing to see in War thunder, this helicopter would have been shot down ages ago, since it left the helicopter platform. -1 realism points
“HQ Human face Good It Is” -some short green creature
Yet another depiction of a good map that isn’t totally impossible to balance. “There is no coverrr, mjeh” Oh. Have you heard of idk, “trees and shrubs and hills”. Sure that players could avoid seeing by cheat- i mean having a bad potato pc and being forced to activate che- I mean Low Quality mode. And just remove half the map. :3 Yea this is totally not broken
Oh No, Run for your life its the Russian SPAA launcher with missiles that are practically impossible to flare or outmaneuver! (No I don’t have trauma from this thing while in my "1950-1960s"J35 with no flares, and weak offensive ordinance, That has been nerfed to the point of uselessness and placed at a br worse than the Chernobyl disaster .com)
Nvm he is dead, Also I don’t think I’ve ever seen this thing lock a helicopter in War thunder… ?
Wait, Wait. Wait a gosh darn minute. Did a IR missile just set of the Incoming missile alert system??? What is this magic, and where can i get it!
Welp hes dead, time to pack up and leav-
WAHT? He flared that missile what is this??? Real life??
Ah, Home sweet home. WW2 where i reside and will not leave untill the higher brs are no longer a horrible mess
(Altough saying that is funny seeing as 1990s tech meet ww2 stuff, yes i am salty about it. Yes i am aware most of sweden would be useless if placed historically accurately. So we can both move on yea?)
Wait are they actually in a Forrest and not in Stockholm or in urban sun city ? Bless the gods and bring out the cake. oh wait yea right. this isn’t the actual game… RIP
Hey, hey come here.
HIGH QUALITY FACE AHAHAHAAA, plz gaijin add it to war thunder im tired of the souless models we have…
What so this is not only a Forested area where most tank battles of ww2 took place, you mean. Its also bigger than 2x2km??
Wait, another example of model changes with shell penetration?? I wish we had thatt
One thing comes to mind. Ehem:
Did a couple Sherman’s just fire at that panzer from across the cliff??
Firstly, That was some damn accurate shots, Second. WAHT!?
Damn, he got hit with sum tacobell
Oof, extra beans too
This is entirely inaccurate, there is no such map. No su- nvm here is a meme instead
“Least sweaty War Thunder Ground RB players Setup”
Thanks to gaijin cinematics team for putting together a Trailer that sets your expectations for the actual game so high. That it gets crushed by actually playing it.
I swear all of gaijins profit goes towards these (cinematic) trailers, And the scraps goes to the actual devs. Since it seems like there is only 4 dudes on the Dev Team with the amount of content we are getting nowadays.
Hoped you guys enjoyed this, and have things to talk about. But now, im off to make fish n chips in my airfrier-
Anyway, criticism of war thunder aside i really liked this cinematic 3D rendered little “movie”, Thanks to those who made it. And a big applause for those poor computers that had to render this beast of a video.
Im now feeling like playing war thunder, expecting this in my head. only to meet a T-80U in my Strf 9040. In great historical battle of Stockholm! Where Italy, france and russia are teamed up against Every other country. Because as we know. That makes sense.
- Much, much, Bigger expansive maps with little in the way of buildings. With more difference in landscape instead
- Actual high quality faces and people
- Actual dynamic missions in Air RB. Like interception of a mix of both AI and Real players, And ground attack missions for helicopters etc.
- Revamped tank sights with better immersion like the outside of the gunsight ring on older tanks, to the new outline of the digital display on modern vehicles.
- IF tracking of ground targets as shown
- None of these.