all bugs:
F18C early (premium): when aim7p is fired game crashes.
2S19M2(squadron): machine gun not working
Type 74 (premium): textures on cannon are broken
iv’e also heard in discord servers there have been allot of crashes while in game
please relay any messages here about bugs
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but stona says the update isnt out yet? could he be wrong?
March 18, 2025, 10:53am
Can confirm the F18C bug , lmao imagine rushing update. Must be gaijin
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but i think this was the longest time we’ve waited for an update?
and how I already shotdown SU-30 already if it wasn’t live?
March 18, 2025, 10:56am
No, he is not wrong. Just like Gaijin, it’s ok that an 80€ plane doesn’t work. We players are all wrong. Gaijin is always right. It’s just as no problem as the general BR of this game. So pull yourself together, pay 160€ for the next Premium and be quiet. You can feel honored to play this game!
in Ground Battles Rocks and some hills are slippery like soap
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idk but stona said its true so it must be
bro i can’t stand stona, it gets pissed at me when i get angry at it, plus it will probably shut down this discussion
Why are you referring to them as “It”?
March 18, 2025, 10:59am
Don’t believe your lying eyes.
Trust the Party.
oh i don’t know if they are a he or a she
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Take away Paint privileges from whoever is making these “new” maps
Cloud cover update is just mental.On the “new” Sinai map clouds go down to 50 m
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They take lots of inspiration from specific 20th century political parties
Do we as a community seriously need to escalate every single time an update is released and while it’s still happening predict the end of the World because not everything is working yet?!?
March 18, 2025, 11:03am
Sorry , we joked a little too hard.
tell me is this the longest we’ve ever waited for an update?
I’ve been in test drive with the new stuff for about an hour, so…