The new research bonus... is a fraud

He is legit saying that this is fine, you are actually understanding that this is not good ENOUGH

I dont know. He wants an extra 30k rp per match or something

They should add the bonus to spading vehicles as well. First 3 matches in a vehicle give you 50% more OVERALL RP. Would suit me wonderfully.

I want 100% bonus for ALL the RP, not just the base rp

An rp bonus for playing stock would be great

He isn’t saying it’s fine I think he’s more saying that we got more than what we were promised. Yes we want it easier but as a whole we should be thankful for what we were given. Could be wrong.

Edit: I’m saying the snail doesn’t usually hand out this stuff for free. Enjoy it before they take it ;)

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Especially for like higher tiers. My Gripen is spaded but it took a long while to spade, and that’s an amazing plane. Stuff like my F-4M is taking a long while, especially since when I got it you had to research 2 different bombs + SNEBs before being able to research AIM-9D…

Premium account bonus is 100% to base RP.
Premium vehicle bonus is 100% to base RP.
The new bonus is x% to base RP.

All I came in to do is refute the obvious misinformation.

We knew from the start that it would be based on base RP, as that’s what ALL bonuses in War Thunder are based on.
Even the 500% dev server bonus is a bonus to base RP, not total RP.

War Thunder has never had a bonus to total RP before, and expecting them to have one now is an expectation you shouldn’t have.
Is 100% enough? I can’t answer that for everyone. For me, all my expectations and desires were fulfilled as someone that plays ~2 hours a day on average. Less these days.
For others they want more.
I don’t doubt that @hjnbnb 's desires for an increased rewards is reasonable.
All I know is I don’t want to earn a top tank in 2.5 hours personally. Bit too fast for my liking.

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Oh and before I forget, the bonus gets lower for every tier below tier 7, so a 25% for tier 4 and below, 50% for tier 5, 75% for tier 6 and only 100% for tier 7 and 8, so I’ll leave you guys eating scraps of the snails table to think on that

War Thunder players are allergic to reading

Me when we can have level 14 Timmy in a tech tree Abrams:

Like Grandma says “Wish in one hand and poop in the other, see which hand fills up faster” . . . Expectations are the mother of all disappointments, anger & resentment. Whether you properly understand or understood the “bonus” as it was presented, may or may not be the issue. The “it’s not good enough” attitude really doesn’t apply. Like most things in the world, “your approval is not required”. This is a reality, accept it or not, it won’t change anything. Many of us that have played the game for a long time have finished researching everything in a nation’s tech tree multiple times. I have finished everything in all nations 5 or 6 times way back when it was just 5 nations, 5 tiers and only planes. Heck even once or twice after tanks were first introduced. No one is saying that it is nearly as easy to do that now, because ofc it isn’t. I’m not even sure it is possible anymore.
But the thing is, you know what we got for doing that in the way back? . . . nothing . . . nada, zippo, zilch . . . squadouche . . . not even an “atta boy”.
Just the way it was . . and basically still is for the most part. Now you get a bit more, if meager, RP towards vehicles in other nations that a player has not developed as much. They cannot force us to play any nation in particular, and most players these days don’t even try to play multiple nations . . . their loss.
This is just a “small” incentive to try other things . . . why? Because they actually don’t want players to get bored and quit, or to get everything too fast and . . . get bored and quit. It’s a double edged sword. While they didn’t actually shoot themselves in the foot by adding high tier premiums and Squadron vehicles, they definitely stubbed a toe with that. A new player can come in, buy a high tier jet and tank of the same nation and be playing high tier Ground RB in a matter of like 5 mins, with ZERO experience. While the freedom of choice and generation of revenue benefit both sides to a degree . . . doesn’t do a lot for overall game play, yeah? Point being . . should they have set up these wildly exaggerated bonus percentages that some/many are ranting about, here’s what could happen; a good number of players with premium time, premium vehicles and time on their hands would indeed flesh out several other nation’s trees in a matter of weeks.
Then what? . . . “oh well I have everything, nothing left to do here . . I beat the game . . . time to go find another” . . . no matter how long a player has been here, this is exactly what Gaijin does not want to happen . . . ever. Why do you think they strive so hard to keep queue times as low as they can . . . because people, and especially gamers, are fickle, have little patience and they would get mad/bored and exit the game.
One of the easiest(and prolly best) things you can do when accepting something given to you(by Gaijin or anyone else) is to just say thanks and hope for something better next.
If you have ideas or suggestions, by all means, put them out there. But c’mon man, making rage driven demands just . . . helps no one and just ain’t cool . .


Basically, yeah.

I will gladly take more rp. But i also didnt expect to get like 70k rp per match after this change.

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I posted this on another thread but I’ll share here. This was just with 500% RP booster + 200% RP Booster without any kind of premium. Would of been over 30k RP if I used premium and premium vehicle. This was before the RP bonus update. I want to obtain this kind of reward if I’m using a single premium tank + have premium account activated to match my RP reward for Air RB. Maybe not that crazy like Air RB but like 20k to 30k RP when playing ground makes things so worth it and less stressful.
25k RP here was just that 1 time thing, every other match was like 2k to 4k depending how well i do and its super stressful cuz some games be like 100 RP cuz i played it bad XD so takes even longer of a grind.

Meanwhile in Air RB (Premium jet/Premium acc only) Images below


These were my highest but each game was like 10k to 30k RP

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Didn’t know u roamed the forums sir communist ballz

Gaijin… look what you did…

To be fair, getting 7 air kills in air rb is way harder than 8 ground kills in ground rb.

Even if everyone only spawned an average of twice in ground rb, it would be 16 kills to “effectively” reach the same feat.

Although i still feel like ground rp gain is a little behind air, it isnt that bad. Certainly feels way better than naval.

but they did say that this is how it was planned

Gaijin is reluctant to introduce new ways for players to earn points (like the old damage and combat points), nor are they willing to adjust the underlying earnings formula. They offer you five research bonuses, which are essentially worthless perks that won’t give you much extra gain.