The new German (Spanish) Eurocopter HAD

I was absolutely shocked when I saw that Germany is getting a premium Eurocopter HAD under Spain. I was mainly shocked because we already have the HAD in game, in the French tech tree. But I was even more surprised that it’s a premium. Like I don’t quite get why it’s in the German tree. I know France just got the Apache as a premium (Which I don’t understand either), but the Tiger HAD is still a further modification of the Tiger HAP that was built for the French Army, that was also later upgraded to HAD. I wouldn’t mind a German premium helicopter, but why is it another copy paste stolen from another tech tree?

Why not copypaste another vehicle if it makes 1000s of €?

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France just got their own UHT which is the real shocker

What do you mean?

Go and look at the new Tiger HAC in france, it has the mast mounted optic, no gun and 8x PARS 3LR

I see now. Interesting… I’m not sure I understand Gaijin’s motives anymore…

Im glad I decided to hold off on grinding the UHT, if they are going to devalue the already painful heli grind by adding top tier helis with top tier fire and forget weapons as premiums, then I see no point in grinding helis at all, The AH Mk1 and AH-60 are the only ones for me :c

Yeah, i wish I hadn’t suffered so much with grinding and getting modifications for the block II…

There is no point in grinding helis nowadays. Luckily getting them is easy to do by putting rp from ground rb into research of helis, the actual spading of said helis is absolutely unbearable nowadays. If i didnt have all the important helis grinded and spaded through when heli ec pvp was a thing there wouldnt be anything that could bring me to do it today in heli ec. It takes ages, is boring and repetitive af and top tier planes are just the better cas assets.

Heli pve is just a waste of time being the worst gamemode this game ever had for 0 rewards. Don’t bother with it.

Almost forgot: On top of 90 % of people leaving after half an hour - for the remaining people the awesome capped rp carried over from other gamemodes is a thing. Yay theres not even an incentive to do well above average and get a horrible and empty match over with. They actually make sure you’re basically never getting over a certain amount of rp so it has to take you more than 5 matches for some modifications to research no matter how well you do. Good luck spading helis with bad (or small) loadouts.

Well in reality the HAD was developed for Spain and not France, France adopted it after, Also Spain dont uses Hellfires but Spikes