The Multipath Problem

Can’t find where I thought I saw that though. Might have been for Aussie Superhornets. Even still, I’m fine with “just” -120Ds.

I know Australian Legacy Hornets used ASRAAM

The issue I see WT running into here is the tech gap and the inherent inbalance IRL.


Irl isnt balanced at all, but WT has to be. I think at some point they will have to just stop adding stuff, or make up fantasy viecles. (Not that I mind that second one, but I digress. stealth super draken when)

The current round of ARHs being add are balanced!

Not against stuff without the tech- i.e. stuff like the F-16A, which only has IR missiles.

That massive tech gap is the issue.

Gaijin should delay the multipathing changes for 2-3 weeks after the update it out, and then they should add it for a limited time (2 weeks or so), and collect player feedback in an official ingame poll. Once they have gathered the data, they will then be able to decide whether to add it as-is, tweak it slightly, or not change anything.

I think this will give people an appropriate amount of time to test it, and see how it works in current matches. It will also give Gaijin a much better picture for what the community wants.


So you basically want to keep idiot gameplay because it would hurt the F-16A… A single aircraft… LMAO

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I have made this point before but here it is:
I do agree that WVR only jets are gonna be suffering, but BR is it’s own problem, so does compression. To me what you were mentioning is more so from the compression, imho all FOX3 carrier should go way higher than what they currently are, and 13.0 is just absolutely non-sense from gaijin.


Better idea! Keep the changes from dev when it goes live, leave it for the entire patch, and watch as the moaning dies away and people adapt


Or any aircraft with IR-only missiles or, lets be real, anything without Fox-3s. It would also have a heavy affect on lower BRs, but I am not sure how bad that would be.

I think it will also screw up lower BRs, and we might get a return to pheonix spamming by F-14As, and radar missiles being a lot better then IR.

Gaijn uh
Really needs to either put a hard cap at Fox-3 introduction or spike their BR way up.

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I disagree.


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Radar missile actually does worth quite a bit more than what they worth now. Also for F14s, since realistically they can fend off F15C or Su27 pretty well, they should be able to do the same in WT as well. If they become OP after this patch, then just move them up, imho if Gaijin would fix MP then both tomcats deserve 0.3 BR up. Of course, best that we implement things first and see how it goes.

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Irl =/= WT, dont know how much I have to say this.

They really need to do more tests on what MP removal will do before pushing it to main, and honestly they should push back Fox-3s by a month or two to do so.

Well I did but people don’t play Dev lol.
This is very unfortunate.
Plus, I really meant if the cats are moved to 12.0/12.3 it would be okey even if the MP is fixed right? This is not a consideration of realism.

Edit: the only way you get this properly tested is on live server. Dev server has too little players, and they are generally higher skilled.

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Dont they only have rear-aspect, though?

On regards to this, a main-game event test could work, especially if it had rewards to incentiveise.

Yes they do only have Aim9H. But think of that, FOX1 and 3s can be so powerful that tomcat does not necessarily need to be slinging out FOX2 missile to perform well in that BR.
I think a good point to note is this game is more fun when you have planes with different perks in the same BR, you go cat if you want to go high and fast, or you can go F16 if you wanna stay low and do dogfight.

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Yeah, I like actual variety in playstyle. MPing actually enables this, I think, since stuff on the ground wont get nuked by a BVR missile. And god knows I dont want to have to face non-MP pheonix’s and sparrows in my nerfed J35XS…


Yeah XS is another very good example to be honest, but my point was really to move up the BR of things like cats after this fix on multipath, so that your J35XS would never have to face AIM54 (Which I agree it’s unreasonable, doesn’t even have a RWR)