The Multipath Problem

Would be facing sparrows and other SARHs, which wouldn’t be fun given its low amount of CMs.

please just make it accurate I beg of you

Funnily enough the XS could carry SARHs, though.

I’ve heard from my friend who’s a Swedish main, J35XS was primarily upgraded in terms of EW capability and on board electronics, which is really sarcastic when you are considering this thing does not even get a RWR.
I’m not sure if it does or Gaijin really messed up on this

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Iirc it was to carry SARHs?

Honestly tbf idc about that, i just want them to give it accurate flight performance lol

Luckily, there’s about 10 BRs where that isn’t a problem.

One notable aircraft where this is true is the F-104S.ASA, as it was supposed to have a strong ECM suite, which is why the RWR is the way it is.


Yeah that’s the thing, it is sometimes hard to get reliable info. War thunder as it stands now is already more realistic than some of the sims back in years ago, and I can imagine it’s reasonably hard to get accurate info for everything.

The argument that Multipathing should remain at 100 meters in Air RB is kinda ridiculous.
It must be changed.

If you artificially nerf aircraft that are literally purpose built for BVR, by negating their ability to maintain range from their targets, they become unplayable. Let me explain.

For a moment, imagine you are flying the new F4F-ICE. 12.7 by the way… There is literally nothing you can do against a J-7E, or even an F-8E. AND F-8E! At like 10.3! All you have to do is fly low strait at it till the merge, pop like 2 flares to dodge the 9-L/I, and then kill it for free. There is literally nothing this 12.7 F-4 can do.
If we take this a step further to a more advanced aircraft, like the SU-27, the argument remains the same. Any aircraft without dogfight capabilities is at an instant disadvantage. In a 1v1 I would still much rather by flying a J-7E than a SU-27.
I am well aware AIR RB is not a 1v1 environment, however Grippens still have the ability to dictated every lobby simply by spamming counter measures to avoid IRCCM missiles, and abuse their dogfight performance. Any aircraft build for BVR that should have a win conduction, simply does not with the current state of Multipathing.


Yes it benefits planes designed for bvr but it kneecaps planes that aren’t. Kinda the whole point of this thread.

Something? What the hell can you do with 40 R-60s and 60flares lol?

Not any better than what you can do with 2-4 SARH against ARH, remember multipath is gone for SARHs too

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It does not kneecap them to the extent that multipathing bludgeons anything designed for BVR when going against hyper-meta dogfighters. Nothing in game struggles as much as you people are claiming


And what should the tornado’s or phantoms do after hugging the ground and getting into a merge? Abuse 16v16 and kill people overwhelmed by the amount of fox 2 spam or maybe dogfight if the the player count get’s reduced to 8v8 or smaller? I’d rather notch a fox 3 or turn around completely and be able to use my strengths rather than being forced into a merge in a flying brick. I think that reducing the player count at top tier should be done first, then we can work on the remaining problems

Based on your view. Did you want Gen 4 aircraft didnyou want ARHM? Well this is the result even without changes to multipath games will be over even faster than they currently are.

The ARHM act currently like a 20-40km Fox2

At this point they should separate top tier in 2 gamemodes (There is enougth player for that) :

  • Fox1/2 + multipath at 100M (will be the same as now)
  • Fox 1/2/3 + no multipath + 8 player teams, it will allow the player who want to bvr to do bvr.
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It isnt just SARHs. Fox-3s are facing some aircraft without radar missiles at all.

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Or even chaff, let alone vehicles with extremely low amounts of countermeasures


I fail to understand your argument here. The current meta planes will still be significantly more meta that that of „BVR focused“ planes. A Grippen, F-16C, F-15C MSIP/J MSIP will still body you regardless. These planes can easily go defensive with little to no drawback, while a „BVR Focused“ jet will go defensive once and then start going 150kt because it has absolutely 0 MER. Your only chances of kills will be luck, and will this will be no different, if not more RNG to getting kills while being a Rat on the deck.


Tornado trying to notch an amraam launched at 10km💀


What about a tornado trying to dogfight a Gripen because it’s AMRAAM just lawn darted?


Dies either way. Tornado should be lower in br to compensate

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Delta V isnt the only thing that matters about missile characteristics and yeah the R24 will bleed more speed its heavier and has a larger wing area its going to slow significantly faster