The Multipath Problem

I see some ppl saying SARH and ARH missile can wait for their opportunities in a match and mind me but absolutely disagree.
If you think radar missile should be waiting for such opportunity you absolutely doesn’t understand how modern air warfare goes, radar missile should not be “taking an opportunity” when launched from a right window, and they should hit stably unless the target did the right maneuver.
If you have been careful enough you would know even missile like Aim9M or magic 2 has some stable effect guaranteed by their IRCCM mechanism, former would force enemy to change their path twice, bleed energy and drop a ton of flare, latter can get a guaranteed kill from 0.6-1.2km depends on the situation.
Modern air combat essentially based on things that we know for sure, instead of “taking a chance and wait for opportunity”.
A player with proper skill and advantages while firing a radar missile should not be at the mercy of lawnmower and this unrealistic multipath.


This a video game thats meant to be fun and realistic to an extent it doesn’t need to have boring 50km missile jousts where nobody pushes up and just sits near their airfield all game throwing SPAMRAAMS at people if you want that go play DCS, god forbid gaijin does actually remove multipathing because it will literally only be worth it to ever play russia with the R-37 and china with the Pl-17/20 in the future because the only NATO equivalent is still in testing and has no data to go off of enjoy trying to play any other nation that doesn’t have a hypersonic 300km range ARH


This is a video game, if you want boring furballs where people spam IR missiles at people go play Ace Combat.

Yes let’s just post actual BS. The Meteor already exists and equips every tech tree in game outside of USSR and China. And by the time we get to the R-37, PL-17/20, the AIM-260 will already be overtaking AIM-120 production


This is a video game, if you want boring NASCAR tactics where people spam BVR missiles at people go play DCS World.

I mean, asking switch the game is most bs idea.


Really??? Is it now… It’s almost like that’s exactly what the comment I replied to was doing… Curious…


That is however how these modern aircrafts and jets are designed to do, they centered around missiles, and those heavy equipments and apparatus aren’t for nothing.

Also, if you consider BVR to be boring that’s your own thing. I don’t agree and I believe loads of ppl are not gonna agree that we keep the top tier 4th gen aircrafts dogfighting each other but hindering their BVR capabilities.

Lastly you clearly don’t understand much of missile warfare. Range is not the only thing to consider, clearly. next time try to engage a mig23 in 5km with what you would consider as a better missile with longer range, and see what happens.


Oh really so you want this game to become the Belarusian tank game next door? Focusing on “gameplay”?

The meteor is not only slower in both terminal and cruise when it comes to the hypersonics but also has less range, in game it would be the equivalent of a Super 530D compared to the 27ER

AIM-260 is still stuck trying to get an acceptable kill rate for the air force ever since last year its going to be in development for another 4 years at least especially since it wasn’t designed to compete with the latest gen chinese BVR missiles but the Pl-15 which is more or less a stopgap till they start actually producing pl-21 since its been in development for a while amd was actually fired a while ago

Isn’t it already since Gaijin doesn’t model tons of “realism” stuffs such as compressor stall on my F-14A and flat spinning at high speed on my belove MiG-15/MiG-15bis?

Don’t get me wrong… I would like to see multipath gets nerf in the game but, this game need a large amount of rework before nerf it.

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Uh yeah i notch him in my FGR.2 and watch as my skyflash slams into him because the R-24R has far worse drag and slows considerably against moving targets

And the missiles you specified are essentially AWACs killers, I would love to see actual data on their max range kinematics showing they are effective against fighter sized maneuvering targets.

CAP let’s see the source for this one bud

Oh hell yeah what’s your instantaneous turn rate? You know how long it would take a R24 to fly 5km? Did you have time for that turn? And how did you managed to hit him while notching? I am just curious how did you kept him lock on your 6 or 9 o’clock?
Or perhaps, it is not as what you said huh?

And this, quite exactly the opposite. Being a partial ram jet missile, Meteor has a longer no-escape zone but shorter max range than let’s say PL15, this will give you an edge in certain distances, which I’m not gonna explain in details here.

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FGR pulls about 18-19°s instant iirc

Yeah plenty we never said the Mig-23 was notching only i was the R-24R gets around 25° AOA compared to the 20° on skyflash so given that im pulling away he’s pulling in skyflash will hit first a majority of the time as the R-24R bleeds more energy trying to pull in

So you dont understand how great the angles are for the APG set the FGR.2 has it also has the same capability to move the the radars search zone by 45° degrees giving it an artificially higher search zone just like the Su-27 unless they removed that ill need to check

Well you can of course say what ever you insist but R24 has delta-V that is 150m/s higher than skyflash and has a G-limiter so I don’t think anyone is ever gonna think R24 bleed faster than Skyflash, I’m not sure what’s the situation in your engagement but assuming player with the same skill Skyflash will never win against R24.

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The issue is having older WVR planes with IR missiles face no-multipathing ARHs. That is the crux of the issue- if it was ARH’s only with no IR missiles ingame I would say go for BVR, but at the moment it simply cant work.

and the US.

You might have gotten simulation confused with realistic, as that would be simulating the aircraft.

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If I recall correctly, the US Navy is actually planning to buy Meteors for their Superhornets, but the USAF still has 120Ds until the 260 would appear in game.

Hmm… Interesting. I wouldnt think the US would ever consider using a non-US made weapon like Meteor