The Multipath Problem

Seriously though I don’t think it’s going to be fair for a lot of planes that don’t have long range IR missiles and are stuck with AIM-9X in the future. The balancing gets thrown out just by comparing each nations next gen IR missiles. American jets mainly have to use long range radar missiles but to have a whole nation at top tier to be gimped facing IR missiles that have like triple the range in future seems shortsighted. Most of us aren’t even asking for multipath to be removed completely and the reactions have been over exaggerated.

So. Im bad at the game because my Skyflash lawn darted a target flying low to ground. But you are the most skilled player in the world because you cant turn 90° and drop some chaff?


I found it really confusing.
A simple logic should be, we make the game realistic, and then if any vehicle is underperforming or OP, we just change their BR regardingly, instead of having the concern that things are not gonna be balanced.


Your statcard still shows that you are not experienced in this type of combat. That is why it is being used.

Literally look at the first post in the thread to understand why it’s not “notch instead of flying low” jesus

I do have experience. So only people with 10000 hours at top tier are alllowed to comment?

Only peopel who have grinded every single nation in game are allowed to comment?

My opinion is worthless because I dont sweat every single aspect of this game and just play it for fun?

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I’m not attacking your stat card, I could give less about your stats. You clearly don’t know how to play the game based on what you’re saying. You just don’t know how to BVR and are complaining about BVR not being possible when, again, plenty of people do well playing BVR.

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Heh like this even close to realistic no not even close

You know that nobody here is even close to that.

…And you played 2 or 3 different planes.

Yep. That also avoids dumb topics like this, where people argue for/against X or Y game-y nerfs/buffs/changes because they do/don’t fit their own personal definition of “skill”.

and you clearly have never played ANYTHING reliant on BVR at top tier. Ever.

Well im looking forward to Typhoon with ASRAAM destroying everything at top tier. When the F-15s and Su-30s are begging for multipathing nerfs. I will be laughing my ass off

I am a BVR player and yes I can make it works. My win rate is 68% ranked around 1500 in the entire WT in last 30 days for your info.
But do you know how it’s still incredibly frustrating when someone can just stay low (not even that low) on the deck and gain your advantage??


because top tier is boring because everyone flies at 50ft. Id rather have fun in the Sea harrier FRS1 or Sea-Vixen flying in 3 dimensions than the Gripen at 50ft


How is no multipathing going to enable you to gain alt? You’ll be just as dead as you would be right now, except on the deck you will be dead just as much!

great contradiction there

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Its called notching…

You do know notching only works against pulse doppler, right?

ASRAAM is an IR missile. I can pop one off at 30km and it will hit something flying low. No multipathing will affect it.

MICA and ASRAAM will win every fight before they’ve even started and nothing with any other type of IR missile will ever even get close.

Its called chaff. you turn 90 degrees. Drop chaff, congrats, ARH or SARH defeated.

Funny people want modern weaponry but don’t want to learn modern tactics to defeat it

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