The Multipath Problem

Agreed. Multipathing lets there be actual variation to gameplay, which is good. Yes, it currently leans towards IR- but so be it. Its better then spawn in and get slammed instantly by an AMRAAM while you only have IR.

What variation?

Fly at 50ft. Merge. 1 person gets on the others tail. IR Missile. Repeat.

That is all top tier is. Merge, kill, repeat, merge, kill, repeat.

Thats it. That is all ARB has become past about 11.3. There is no variation in gameplay. There is no flanking, there is no climbing. There is only a furball at the centre of the map.


What’s stopping you from playing BVR? Plenty of people still play BVR. The F-14, F-15, and Su 27 are great at it. Every single match has like 3 F-14 players at minimum climbing to space to BVR lmfao.

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There is climbing, lol. More than you would think honestly.

…And without multipath:
turn around for another shot

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And what will it be without multipathing?

spawn in, AMRAAM spam until everyone is dead or out of ammo, then they airfield to rearm.

Id rather take that merge and get action then be completely unable to use my stock IR missiles.

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You only have the UK Gripen and Harrier GR.7 that you have played for 75 games total above 11.3, how do you form such a strong opinion about the state of top tier off this? You can simplify anything to sound absurd this way:

“Prop gameplay is just climb, dive on somebody, kill, climb again, dive, kill, repeat”


or becoming third party
Really air RB game play right now it not about skills it about you know when to get in the fight released all IR missile at different enemy and gtfo and that’s it

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Perhaps look at the sim tab… not ARB tab…

Okay to be fair I am hardly qualified either, and I will freely admit that.

And this thread is about?


We are taking primarily about RB here for the past few hours, but still - even in sim you play two 11.3+ planes and make very broad matter-of-fact statements about the state of the game, be real with yourself.

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Positioning, target choice, and using your C key are skills.

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That how modern jet suppose to fight
What? do you think modern jet well just fly low and dogfight it each to the death?

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Nah man the only skill is climbing to 10km at your side of the map, launching all your missiles, then immediately RTBing for another run.

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Multipathing in all gamemodes. SB and RB.

Besides. My experience doesnt become worthless because its from SB and not RB. The gameplay is the same. Reason why I dont play the Gripen so far. its boring.

Fly at 50ft, defeat any SARH. do a 180. IR missile. next target.

It takes no skill. No strategy, no effort.

Multipathing is a crutch for people who cant handle BVR mechanics. That found chaff too complicated to use. What’s next? nerf all IR missiles to point of being even more easy to defeat than they have become in recent years. Return to canons being the main A2A weapon?

I would like to be able to use these aircraft, in BVR, the way they should be used. If you want to dogfight in the middle of the map. Go play any aircraft below BR 11.0. They wont be affected by multipathing changes


Realism =/= balanced gameplay

Your experience is worthless because you have very little top tier experience outside of the Tornado. And the Tornado isn’t going to magically become a good plane with multipathing removed.

Also RB and SB are completely different environments so, yes, the distinction matters.


I’d like all BRs playable and enjoyable.

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And again, BVR is still viable. F-14, F-15, and Su 27 players make it work. You’re just bad at the game.


Hahaha. When you switch to attacking someones stat card because you dont actually have any real arguments is kinda funny actually.

Multipathing is stupid. Flare only because chaff is pointless. whats the point of even adding the split CMs. mgiht as well just delete chaff from the game at thsi point. Though Sea Harrier FA2 at 11.7 because AMRAAM can be defeated stupidly easy does sounds kinda fun to me