The Multipath Problem

As I said. As someone who was forced to play an aircraft that could only fight in BVR against aircraft that dominated in WVR. Mutlipathing sucked. Every fight, every encounter was the same. Fire Skyflash SuperTEMP, watch it lawn dart. F-16 or Mig-29 does a 180, Gun or IR missile and im dead. I couldnt fight back. There was no chance of me ever getting another shot oppotunity.

With aircraft like the Typhoon and Rafale coming Soon™. That role will shift. With multipathing left as it is. Typhoons will just fly at 50ft. Be totally and completely immune to SARH/ARH missiles and then win every WVR fight with ease. We’ve already seen it happen with the Gripen. Its been complained about constantly. Its getting nerfed again this update and we’ve already seen changes like the 100% fake BOL nerfs to nerf it further.

Aircraft fall into 1 of 2 categories. Those that are good in WVR and those that are good in BVR. Those that are good at BVR are currently DOA and often found at BRs lower than they should be. But cannot move up.

Maybe it should change later, instead of now, but it has to change eventually. Might as well rip the band aid of sooner rather than later.


So you want to make anything good at WVR DOA, as if that will fix the issue…?

Yippee or something, you simply flipped the issue on its head and did nothing to solve the actual issue.

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Why would they be DOA?

Step 1) Turn 90°
Step 2) Drop chaff

There is no step 3. You have just defeated any SARH or ARH missile in the game.

(combine with future ECM systems or Decoys, and the game meta changes)

Should IR missiles be affected by multipathing as well, because its unfair for aircraft without flares?


“As I said. As someone who was forced to play an aircraft that could only fight in BVR against aircraft that dominated in WVR. Mutlipathing sucked. Every fight, every encounter was the same. Fire Skyflash SuperTEMP, watch it lawn dart. F-16 or Mig-29 does a 180, Gun or IR missile and im dead. I couldnt fight back. There was no chance of me ever getting another shot oppotunity.”

This is the same argument people make for stuff like the A-10 and F-104 being severely undertiered.
One plane suffering isn’t justification for making changes that negatively impact the game for the vast majority of players.

I think you forget the aircraft need to actually kill things. At least for IR missiles they dont have the range of ARH’s, so you actually can get in range.

Without multipathing anything with IR-only will simply be dead weight, thats all. There will be no variety in playstyle- hell, much less then now, and thats saying a lot given it isnt exactly good rn.

Who would actually suffer?

As far as I can tell… No one. Currently multipathing benefits those that win the merge. Those that cant win the merge suffer greatly because of it.

Without multipathing. They would actually have to use more than 1 brain cell.

If multipathing was as oppresive as it has been so far. Whats the point of even adding ARH missiles? Gripens and F-16C would just run pure IR. Tornado F3 late might as well be deleted. and the F-4F ICE should just get SARH move down to 11.3.


At least for the 104s and stuff w/o flares I have always supported giving them ahistorical flares to let them be moved up. Better for balance that way imo.

Well. sounds like people will have to be smart. Use terrian, flank. No more 50ft furballs in the centre of the map that end the game within 5 minutes. Sounds like a good change to me.


flat maps
more flat maps

ARHs would outrange anything IR slingers could fire- they would be like light tanks in AB, but without cover.

I.e. dead.

So we need better maps then. Regardless of multipathing. That needs to happen.

But Id rather my BVR truck actually stands a chance vs WVR IR slingers


With the 104 its fast enough to pretty much completely ignore most missiles. R-60’s are no threat at all, with 9L’s being the only thing that can really catch it off guard if the 104 plays it right.
Though we already have a precedent of Gaijin having ahistorical flares with the F-5C so they might as well just add them for stuff like the 104, Mig 19, and T-2 and move those way up lmfao.

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And I would rather my IR missiles be useful.

ARHs have the range advantage, so if something dips above 100m you can actually fire- but IR missiles cant do shit to an AMRAAM slinger without multipathing.

So ARH are totally useless at any range beyond point blank because the target is hugging the trees?

Might as well just delete ARH from the game then.


Nah i’m really sick of hugging ground and spam IR missile it making gameplay look dull and stupid


I would rather have them be useless at most ranges then IR missiles be completely useless.

And no, ARHs wont be useless.

and id quite like to use my plane… well… as a plane and not essentially as a tank. Flying in 2D enviroment just at tree top level


I think you’re really overplaying how strong multipathing really is.

The best missile in the game for a very long time has been the R-27ER, which is a radar missile, and the main reason hugging the deck has became standard since its literally the only way to counter it outside of just camping your side of the map and waiting for the enemy team to run out of missiles. Planes without good radar missiles are lacking in top tier. The only thing the Su 27 has going for it is its missile kit, and the R-73’s really aren’t that strong (Aim 9M’s are substantially better in most situations, and in rear-aspect the Magic 2’s are better). It’s strong because of its radar missiles.

Multipathing beats R-27’s but the margins for error are pretty small, and it can easily catch people off guard. Which is what ARH missiles (especially stuff like the MICA) are going to be like.

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No offense but the disagreement with the Multipathing changes flat out scream skill issue to me. Literally sitting on the deck and not properly defending radar missiles is a boring way to play especially if you’re a typical base bomber. I get the whole 16v16 thing, but that’s not guaranteed to stay as Gaijin has been testing out 8v8 game sessions and it’s been receiving positive feedback and results. There’s no reason for an 8v8 battle to have Multipathing the way it is live. That just encourages playing scary and camping the deck, and punishing players that ACTUALLY want to BVR. I’m sorry but Multipathing is toxic in its current state.


Next generation IR missiles are already in the files that have better IRCCM capability, it would be unfair for American jets that would only be equipped with AIM-9X versus something that can carry like 4-6 IRIS-T or MICA-IR missiles and more-so need to rely on working radar missiles to even get a comparable advantage.

Again, exact same argument are A-10 players that want to stay at a low BR. Just keep repeating yourself, though.